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Re: Show modeline when super key is pressed

From: Lillia
Subject: Re: Show modeline when super key is pressed
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 18:26:16 +0000

Heia Daniel,

I had a small addendum to the code I sent you; specifically this will
toggle the mode line on enabling the minor mode we defined so that it
automatically switches to a floating mode line immediately.

``` lisp
(defun %ensure-mode-line (sym obj)
  (declare (ignore sym))
  (stumpwm::toggle-mode-line (stumpwm:group-screen obj)
                             (stumpwm::group-current-head obj))
  (xlib:display-finish-output stumpwm::*display*))

(defun ensure-mode-line (sym obj)
  (declare (ignore sym))
  (let ((ml (stumpwm::head-mode-line (stumpwm:group-current-head obj))))
    (when (and ml (not (eql (stumpwm::mode-line-mode ml) :hidden)))
      (stumpwm::toggle-mode-line (stumpwm:group-screen obj)
                                 (stumpwm::group-current-head obj))
      (xlib:display-finish-output stumpwm::*display*)
      (stumpwm::toggle-mode-line (stumpwm:group-screen obj)
                                 (stumpwm::group-current-head obj))
      (xlib:display-finish-output stumpwm::*display*))))

(stumpwm:add-hook *floating-mode-line-group-enable-hook*

(stumpwm:add-hook *floating-mode-line-group-disable-hook*
``` writes:

> Hi Daniel,
>> Ill let you know what I find once I have some time on my hands.
> I found a way to have a semi-floating mode line. It probably isn't
> exactly what you're looking for, but may give you some ideas to go off
> of. The code is at the bottom of this email.
> The way this works is to define methods for calculating the display y
> and height of a frame, and removing the height of the mode line from
> those calculations. Then the make- and toggle-mode-line functions are
> changed to place the mode line above other windows instead of below.
> I defined all of this in a minor mode so that its easy to enable/disable
> the functionality. The minor mode is scoped to tile groups only, and is
> global so it is enabled in all tile groups at once. I also bound super-m
> to the mode-line command.
> Because this modifies functions, a patch may be in order to change the
> functions make-mode-line and toggle-mode-line to either be generics so
> we can specialise on our minor mode class, or providing a function to
> compute whether they should be placed :above or :below other windows;
> regardless because we are redefining functions any future changes to
> those functions would need to be patched back into our code.
> Hopefully this is helpful
> --LF
> ``` lisp
> (uiop:define-package #:swm/floating-mode-line
>   (:use :cl))
> (in-package #:swm/floating-mode-line)
> (stumpwm:define-minor-mode floating-mode-line-group () ()
>   (:scope :tile-group)
>   (:global t)
>   (:expose-keymaps t)
>   (:lighter "FML")
>   (:interactive FLOAT-MODE-LINE-MODE)
>   (:make-hooks t)
>   (:top-map '(("s-m" . "mode-line"))))
> (defmethod stumpwm::frame-display-y ((group floating-mode-line-group) frame)
>   (let ((res (call-next-method))
>         (h (stumpwm::frame-head group frame)))
>     (if (and (stumpwm::head-mode-line h)
>              (not (eql (stumpwm::head-mode-line h) :hidden))
>              (eql (stumpwm::mode-line-position (stumpwm::head-mode-line h)) 
> :top))
>         (- res (stumpwm::mode-line-height (stumpwm::head-mode-line h)))
>         res)))
> (defmethod stumpwm::frame-display-height ((group floating-mode-line-group)
>                                           frame)
>   (let* ((res (call-next-method))
>          (h (stumpwm::frame-head group frame)))
>     (if h
>         (let ((ml (stumpwm::head-mode-line h)))
>           (if ml
>               (+ res (stumpwm::mode-line-height ml))
>               res))
>         res)))
> (defun mode-line-type ()
>               stumpwm::*active-global-minor-modes*)
>       :above
>       :below))
> (in-package :stumpwm)
> (defun make-mode-line (screen head format)
>   (let* ((window (make-mode-line-window screen))
>          (gc (make-mode-line-gc window screen))
>          (cc (make-mode-line-cc window screen gc))
>          (mode-line (%make-mode-line :window window
>                                      :screen screen
>                                      :head head
>                                      :format format
>                                      :position *mode-line-position*
>                                      :cc cc)))
>     (prog1 mode-line
>       (push mode-line *mode-lines*)
>       (update-mode-line-color-context mode-line)
>       (resize-mode-line mode-line)
>       (xlib:map-window window)
>       (setf (xlib:window-priority window)
>             (SWM/FLOATING-MODE-LINE::mode-line-type))
>       (redraw-mode-line mode-line)
>       (dformat 3 "modeline: ~s~%" mode-line)
>       (turn-on-mode-line-timer)
>       (run-hook-with-args *new-mode-line-hook* mode-line))))
> (defun toggle-mode-line (screen head
>                          &optional (format '*screen-mode-line-format*))
>   "Toggle the state of the mode line for the specified screen"
>   (check-type format (or symbol list string))
>   (let ((ml (head-mode-line head)))
>     (if ml
>         (case (mode-line-mode ml)
>           (:visible
>            ;; Hide it.
>            (setf (mode-line-mode ml) :hidden)
>            (xlib:unmap-window (mode-line-window ml)))
>           (:hidden
>            ;; Show it.
>            (setf (mode-line-mode ml) :visible)
>            (xlib:map-window (mode-line-window ml))
>            (setf (xlib:window-priority (mode-line-window ml))
>                  (SWM/FLOATING-MODE-LINE::mode-line-type)))
>           (:stump
>            ;; Delete it
>            (destroy-mode-line ml)))
>         (make-mode-line screen head format))
>     (dolist (group (screen-groups screen))
>       (group-sync-head group head))))
> ```

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