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Re: [Swarm-Support] Running swarm java version

From: Alan Calderón
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Support] Running swarm java version
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 14:34:58 -0600

Thank you Marcus, now I understand that this is a framework not an application by itself, so obviously there is no main class. At first I thought this was an application where you could define your own simulations in some sort of script language or something like that. I'll see the examples, it looks quite interesting. Cheers,

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Marcus G. Daniels <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Alan,
> When executing executable jar file i receive: "Failed to load
> Main-Class manifest attribute from
> C:\Swarm-2.2-java\share\swarm\swarm.jar". This is because the name of
> the main class does not
> appear at the maniphest file. I have tried with classes such as
> SwarmEnvironment* at swarm package, but neither of these are the
> application's entry point. Does any one know which class is the entry
> point, that is: which is the class with the main public static method?
> Thank you in advance,
The main entry point will actually be in your simulation, which will in
turn invoke swarm.Global.env.initSwarm (from the jarfile).
See one of the examples like jheatbugs or jmousetrap for an example..



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