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[Texi2html-bug] build failure on Darwin <= 7.9 due to outdated mdate-sh

From: Martijn Dekker
Subject: [Texi2html-bug] build failure on Darwin <= 7.9 due to outdated mdate-sh
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 19:57:08 +0100

texihtml 1.80 and earlier versions refuse to build on Darwin 7.9 (Mac OS X 10.3) and earlier due to an outdated version of `mdate-sh' included in the distribution, which breaks on this OS:

$ ./mdate-sh ./configure.ac
03:44 January ./configure.ac

(Expected output: 2 January 2009)

This leads to a build failure while trying to build the man page:

$ make
Making all in .
/bin/sh ./buildt2h.sh texi2html texi2html_configured.pl MySimple.pm T2h_i18n.pm texi2html.init translations.pl examples/l2h.init T2h_l2h.pm regenerating texi2html from MySimple.pm T2h_i18n.pm texi2html.init translations.pl texi2html_configured.pl examples/l2h.init T2h_l2h.pm
chmod a+x texi2html
Making all in doc
Generating texi2html.1...
sed: 1: "s/address@hidden@]/03 ...": bad flag in substitute command: 'c'
make[1]: *** [texi2html.1] Error 1
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Solution is to replace both included copies of mdate-sh (in the main directory and in doc/) by a newer version, such as the version 2007-03-30.02 (I found it included in the automake-1.10 distribution), which supports Darwin's odd `ls' output format. After rerunning `configure', the build succeeds then.

(FYI, I ran into this while building texi2html 1.78 as a dependency of tetex in MacPorts.)

Hope this helps,

- Martijn Dekker, Groningen, Netherlands

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