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Re: [Tftb-help] instfreq result

From: Francois AUGER
Subject: Re: [Tftb-help] instfreq result
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 17:15:44 +0200

Dear Luis,

Thank you for your message.

I advise you to see the help file of the instfreq function (type help instfreq)

t1=0:0.001:1; t2=1:0.001:2; x = [exp(j* 2* pi* 50 * t1.'); exp(j* 2* pi* 75 * t2.')];
[instf,t]=instfreq(x); figure(1); plot(t, instf * 1e3);

Best regards,

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Le 2024-05-07 09:41, Luis Torres a écrit :

Hello. I am new using tftb.

 x1 = sin(t1*50*2*pi);
 x2 = sin(t2*75*2*pi);
 x = [x1 x2];

I get ever 0.5 at the top and 0.25 values at the bottom. The unique difference is like the duty cycle between 50Hz part and the 75Hz part of the signal.
Shall I calculate the mean value?

How to get Hz frequencies from normalized.
I understood   f= w' * (fs/2)   but I get 0,5 normalized frequency at the top part of the returned value.
0.50  ->   f = 0.5*1000 = 250Hz in a 50Hz signal.
0.25  ->    f = 0.25*1000 = 125Hz in a 50Hz signal.

If i interpolate to 5KHz i get again 0.5 so 1250Hz. It has no sense.

I have tried with a real signal captured at 1kHz rate and i get similar values.
This is my Zero Crossing Frequency.

I have read this thread from the mailing list but it does not resolve my question:

Thank you in advance.

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