Thanks to Joop, PA3ABA's suggestion, I can now bring up TLF. However, other problems have appeared.
1) I cannot use any commands that begin with a colon, like :CWMode, :mode, etc. TLF responds with "INVALID PAR!" and a listing of commands, none of which work.
My rig (PIEXX equipped TS-930, using TS-850 commands), powers up in SSB mode. If I run TLF with the rig in ssb mode (who uses this mode, anyway? ;) ;) ) then not only can I not input "colon commands", but the left-arrow (change bands) puts the letter D in the callsign field, right-arrow (change bands) puts the letter C in the callsign field, up-arrow puts the letter A in the callsign field, and down-arrow puts the letter B in the callsign field.
Running rigctl, I can put my TS-930 into CW mode. Then, after deleting the .para file and starting up TLF, I am now in CW mode. The left-arrow and right-arrow work correctly to change bands, but...
2) F1 through F4 put letters in the callsign field. F5 through F10 output the cw messages. Hitting enter with no callsign in the callsign field while in RUN mode, TLF outputs ++++TEST ---- mycall mycall while some countdown timer runs. I don't know where this message comes from. In my logcfg.dat file, I programmed F12 to be a short CQ message. Hitting F12 yields the same ++++TEST ---- message.
3) I am running cwkeyer so I can use the paddle inputs. The paddle inputs do not work, at least on the LPT plug that I've used in TR for many years.
4) Hitting escape to kill the cw messages (the ++++TEST ---- one) totally kills any cw afterwards. I must exit TLF and unload and then reload cwkeyer to regain cw output again.