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Re: [Tlf-devel] Test-driving 0.9.5

From: Rein Couperus
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Test-driving 0.9.5
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 13:34:00 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

Hi Wilbert...

On Monday 03 November 2003 05:01, Wilbert Knol wrote:
> Although I haven't used this version in anger, I had a play with it
> last night. Suggestions (some of which I may have mentioned before, I
> can't be sure):
> 1. Rig type 1901 (rpc rig daemon) does not work. The work-around is to
> shut down the daemon (su -c "rcrigd stop") and let tlf drive the rig
> directly.
> However, I have another app that uses the rig, and being able to use
> rpc rig would be really good. It should actually be easier than a
> normal rig, as no hardware is needed (port and port speed).
I have not done anything with rpc rig yet, will have to study waht to do..
Or maybe stephane can give me some hints...

> 2. My Linux console runs 100x37 mode, which means tlf (80x25) goes in
> the top left hand corner, which looks a bit strange. Most Linux boxes
> have seen use console resolutions better than 80x25 (all the ones in
> the office do). I have set a boot option to get 80x25 VGA mode.
> I guess changing tlf to fit 100x32, 100x37, 100x40 etc etc consoles
> would be a major undertaking. I've had a sniff of this with my
> home-brew logger, which doesn't have as many windows as tlf.
You are absolutely right :-)  That would be a major undertaking...
I have to put this on the long term list. I plan to separate the UI from the 
rest of the code, and your suggestion will be remembered :-)

> 3. Tlf starts off at 20 WPM (the cwdaemon default) but picks up the
> correct tlf default when I try to wind it up via the ALT-V window.
You should now also be able to change the speed with pgup/pgdwn..
Much faster.
> WIlbert, ZL2BSJ
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