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Re: [Tlf-devel] fun with tlf!

From: Joop Stakenborg
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] fun with tlf!
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:13:16 +0100

Op ma, 29-11-2004 te 06:23 +0100, schreef W.R. Juergens (DL2WRJ):
> I observed again a 
> choppy problem, but I dont know why the cwlib makes again a choopy 
> sound. I'm sure it was gone after your porting of the cwdaemon to 
> cwlib. Maybe this is a Suse problem.  

The unixcw library is known to produce a choppy sound on some soundcards
(I am suspecting you are talking about a soundcard issue here). This is
caused by the block-shaped sound signal. If you don't care so much about
audio quality a simple audio filter would probably help. I guess it
should be a high-pass filter. Otherwise, use the console sound, it will
produce the old-fashioned beep :-)


> 73 Wolf, DL2WRJ
Joop Stakenborg <address@hidden>

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