I have started to write an external scoring module in PERL, which makes
is easier to add new contests (it saves 90% of the time, and it reduces
the number of bugs introduced into tlf every time a feature is added :)
The way it is used is simple... Tlf is used to enter the raw exchange,
call check etc... The scoring for the particular contest is done by a
separate program, which can display the score table and the scored file.
This is real time, and the score table will be updated when you delete a
qso from the raw log file. As this is secundary information, it can be
outside the tlf main terminal. It can even show a the list of mults
worked in a separate window.
I tried SPDX-RTTY (mult = country + province) and the IOTA contest,
which both work now.
A sneak preview showing the IOTA is at
http://tlf.wikispaces.com/screens, I will try my hand at a simple GUI
for it during the weekend...
Please send me the list of contests you were not able to configure with
tlf, but always wanted to work, so I can make a 'most wanted' list ;)