I made a small modification in the section mentioned in my previouse mail and it seems to generate the cabrillo file correctly, at least for WPX and other contests that use a serial number exchange.
Some of you may think that it was not necessary, but right should be right. Maybe we can add it into the official software ?
I have a question to those of you who dig more into the source code of TLF.
Lets look at this section of writecabrillo.c :
else if ((wpx == 1) || ((standardexchange[0] == '#')
2 && (strcmp (whichcontest, "ssa_mt") != 0)))
3 {
4 strncat(buffer, buf+23,4);
5 strncat(buffer, standardexchange+1, 7);
6 strcat (buffer, " ");
What is happening in line number 5 (line 231 in the file), What will be added after the serial number and in what cases ?
I will appreciat the answer, Thanks in advance
/piotr SM7YEA