Hi all, I have (I think HI HI) solved the problem, I had installed
hamlib from the repository but now have installed from source and tlf
now compiles okay haven't had chance to connect a radio to it yet but
seems to work okay.
Thanks for help.
Graham G1RNZ
On 16/06/10 10:10, Andy Summers wrote:
To Graham...
Probably a silly question, but if it helps...
Did you compile hamlib from source or was it from a package? The reason
I ask is that later versions of hamlib that you compile from source
require you to create a file called "local.conf" in
"/etc/ld.so.conf.d/" containing the line "/usr/local/lib". Then, in a
terminal as root, run "ldconfig". If you don't do this TLF can't find
hamlib. It's explained in hamlib's "INSTALL" readme file.
Good luck with it,
Andy, G4KNO.
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 8:42 PM, Thomas
Beierlein <address@hidden> wrote: