Hi Olaf,
Am Wed, 24 Nov 2010 10:46:52 +0100
schrieb "Olaf Devik"<address@hidden>:
My copy of tlf has stopped working on my newly updated kubuntu
machine. I note some discussion on patches, but the last version I
can find is 0.9.30. Is there an updated version somewhere which I can
Yes, actual GCC and Glibc does no longer excuse buffer overflows. So
the old tlf version stopped working.
There is a new one in (slow) development. I hope that we have fixed most
problems. But to be honest no extended tests have been run in SSB mode
so far.
Please have a look at
It is the last version and should work reliable for CW contests.
Please anyone who uses that version give feedback how it goes. If no
severe problems arise I will prepare a new tlf-1.0.0 in next weeks.
73, de Tom DL1JBE.
Would very much get this in order for the upcoming tests.
73 de Olaf LA3RK
Olaf Devik
Email: address@hidden
Mob: +47 91170849
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