Hi Fred,
thanks for your contribution.
You are rigth the 'usa_canada_states' file is dated, but your file
seems wrong too.
I just checked the official ARRL_DX website http://www.arrl.org/arrl-dx
and especially for the VE provinces there are some differences (namely
NWT, NF and PEI). Can you clarify again and give feed back. I would
like to add the actual (but correct) files to the next release.
Btw, the same goes for the ARRL-10m file.
73, de Tom DL1JBE.
Am Mon, 20 Feb 2012 14:45:40 +0000
schrieb FS<address@hidden>:
As some may have noticed, the file "usa_canada_states" isnt up to date
for the use with the ARRL contests. Please find attached the actual
files for ARRL-DX and ARRL-10m contests.
73 Fred