Hi Stefano,
I am not handling the TLF program anymore, but it has found a new
It would be best to send your request via the tlf-devel mailing list at
There you can see the mail archive and come into contact with the
people who are still actively supporting TLF.
I am on a different project at the moment, but I still manage the list....
Hope you find what you are looking for...
Rein EA/PA0R/M
Hi, I saw this email in the webpage of TLF
http://sharon.esrac.ele.tue.nl/pub/linux/ham/tlf/tlfdoc-0.8.16/tlfdoc.html .
I don't know If I'm addressing the question to the right guy or not. If
I'm wrong I hope you will forgive me.
I started using TLF since few months but there's still something that
prevents me to switch entirely to Linux, the lack of a contest software
that handles SO2R. Will TLF, in a future release, handle such an
operating technique?
Is it possible to "link" in local two terminals running tlf instances so
as to have the two input fields and to run a sort of primitive SO2R, how
can i link them?
Thanks in advance and all the best
Stefano Menon
Tlf-devel mailing list