Hello Fred,
On Sun, Nov 03, 2013 at 09:55:51PM +0100, Fred Siegmund wrote:
Ok, there seems to be one significant difference to CW/SSB. The QTCs
in RTTY are transmitted in batches.
yes, that's the challenge :)
Till I made all of the WAEDC modifications (first patch was only
the correct handling of points and multipliers), I've tried to
keep in mind this difference. Eg: in CW/SSB modes, QSO's allowed
only in EU-DX relation, but in RTTY every station should work
with from anywhere. In CW/SSB modes, only the DX stations should
send QTC to only the EU stations, in RTTY all station should send
QTC to everyone, except same continent. And techically, in RTTY
the QTC are sending in batch mode, instead of one by one.
makes it somehow difficult to keep it compatible, but its possible
(different DIGIMODE handling).
yes, and (I hope :)) my codes handles it correctly.
There need
to be a macro to request to repeat a selected line. Another macro
for repeat all. When ALT-R is pressed TLF should be looking for a
line begining with QTC xxx/xx to have a trigger point. And then copy
the whole block in.
I found out that if a line contains '?', that will be signed as
incomplete - this is the "macro". Then if you press ENTER, Tlf
will send "PSE RPT #N" immediately (!). If all lines are marked
as complete (simply press ENTER, and line doesn't contain '?'),
and then press ENTER, Tlf will send 'TNX QTC NNN/NN' or any other
message, and close the window. This method can work only in RTTY,
but the different from CW/SSB is not so much: in that modes, if
you marked a QTC as complete, the 'R' signal will send
immediately, not after if you get all QTC's.
Hope this should be usable, but if you have any idea, please let
me know.
73 Fred
Am 03.11.2013 10:49, schrieb Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS:
On Sun, Nov 03, 2013 at 09:04:26AM +0000, FS wrote:
Yes, that could work. Lets say, the user enters the the series
number like xx/xx, and the QRV message is sent, TLF is triggered to
take everyting in a pattern like, by grabing it from gMFSK.log:
tttt cccccc nnn
time call number
Till I looked the examples of QTC, especially RTTY mode, I found
this (very good) summary:
On this page the author said there are several forms of QTC:
"So, you will end up with something like this:
0012 G3URA 049
etc for ten lines."
So, the separator sign should be " " (space), "/" (slash), "-"
(hyphen/minus) character. That's no problem, but it would be nice
to know, is there any other formula to separate the fields, or
operators (and softares) only uses these?
I think I can handle all or them above.
I a not aware if they send in RTTY shortend versions, like two
figures for the time, or so.
I don't know that too... :)
Maybe the user could be asked if he
wants to accept it, if yes a ROGER is send otherwise a PSE REPEAT.
Hmmm... I'm not sure is it a good solution. Otherwise, if
somebody had WAEDC-RTTY, and received many QTC's, please confirm
that: anybody (or any software) uses the different formula that
listed above, or not?
thanks, 73:
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