On Thu, 05 Dec 2013 20:54:35 -0500 Ed <address@hidden> wrote
On 12/05/2013 07:59 PM, Jim Bruce wrote:
I get this error starting tlf> reading contest rules file: rules/arrl160
Error opening multiplier file us_canada_states.
Jim, you need a file with that name in the working dirctory. Are the
US/VE both mults ?? If so you can use the file in
tlf-autosend/share/arrldx_mults. There is also a file for the 10 meter
contest in the same directory.
I posted this to the tlf wiki
This seems to work for scoring the contest correctly. One problem I do see is
that the multiplier for ONE gets counted as NE. This is on a git master from
Pat N8VW