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[Tlf-devel] QTC support

From: Ervin Hegedüs
Subject: [Tlf-devel] QTC support
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 21:37:46 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hello all,

I would like to finish the WAEDC and QTC support, and since I
started, came a few new ideas. They would like to discuss here.

* now the WAEDC and QTC are depends. If you set the contest to
  WAEDC, the QTC comes automatically - and the QTC useble only
  if the contest is WAEDC

  I would separate them, so the QTC should be used everywhere,
  not just WAEDC, and that wouldn't be mandatory on WAEDC.
  The WAEDC support means only the tle support the special rules
  of contest, eg: weight of multipliers.

* the QTC on CQ and SSB is divided to two directions: EU stations
  can only receives, DX stations can only send. The current way
  derived from CALLSIGN (which determines the continent).

  I would skip that, and it would be set up in logcfg.dat, eg.:
  Note, that the multipliers hanling and other contest special
  rules, which depends the continent still would depend by the
  contest settings.

* I don't know, how important is the QTC send speed, or other
  argument. I mean, does it necessary to configure in logcfg.dat,
  or on-the-fly the speed of QTC's when station sends? Is there
  any other parameter, what you would like to modify? If yes,
  please describe, what's that, and how do you use that?

* Would you like to see in worked window, if a station
  sent/received a QTC block previously? If yes, how do you like
  to see?
  I mean, here is an example line from worked window:
  [ 40CW  0097 PJ4A         09         Z]
  and if that station sent a QTC block, that would be:
  [ 40CW  0097 PJ4A         09        QZ]

  How would you like it?

If you have any other idea about this feature, eg. shortkeys,
operating logic, please let me know! :)



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