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Re: [Tlf-devel] After WAEDC

From: Hegedüs Ervin
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] After WAEDC
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:24:52 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hi Thomas, and Fred,

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 07:13:04AM +0200, Thomas Beierlein wrote:
> Hi Fred and Ervin,
> Am Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:25:14 +0200
> schrieb Ervin Hegedüs <address@hidden>:
> > > Also bandmap
> > > produced at times 4 identical calls like "KD4D 1" at 0.1KHz spacing
> > > from RBN spots because they were not
> > > recognized as identical call.
> > 
> > yes, same issue here - I'll fix that too.
> > To test the bandmap code is the hardest task, because the bandmap
> > info is can't controlled by myself :).
> > 
> as the bandmap code was written by me maybe I can help.
> I am not quite sure if I understand the problem. Are KD4D displayed
> four times at the same time? Or did the reported frequency jumps in 0.1
> kHz steps in short order?

no, the reason is (in my opinion), I put the callsign to bandmap
in a modified format - I concatenate the number of QTC's (or a
"Q", if the number is 10), and then Tlf can't find the correct
callsign. (I just wrote this from memory, may be I'm wrong).

I thought I'll modify the bandmap store structure, and made a new
member: visible_callsign (or some similar name...), and on the
bandmap will shows this callsign - but any other functions stayed
at current field, and when something compares the callsign, or
copy it (eg. pressing CTRL+G), Tlf will use the correct, original

In this case, we can chunk the "extra long" callsigns with QTC
numbers. When I wrote that code, I've found a "bug": if I got a
long callsign in bandmap, that doesn't fit - I put it to
bandmap.c between comments:

731. /*
732.  *                     |
733.  *                     v
734.  14000.0   CT7/G7DIE/AM21082.4   5Z4/LA4GHA
735.  14031.8   W1AW/4 1    21260.0   YO9GDN
736.                        ^
737.                        |
738.                        not enough space
739.  */

With "visible_callsign" member, we can chunk this long callsigns,
eg. "CT7/G7D...", but when the user grab this callsign, the
original callsigns goes to callsign field.




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