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[Tlf-devel] New TLF experimental release -- please test

From: Thomas Beierlein
Subject: [Tlf-devel] New TLF experimental release -- please test
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 20:12:23 +0100

A new experimental release of TLF is available at

Lately Nate N0NB did quite some work to give TLF a better keyboard
input handling. Main goal was to enable its use on a broader range of
different UNIX/Linux terminal implementations. 

As we see it a little bit dangerous to just plug it into the master
branch we prepared these experimental release based on the shortly
presented tlf-1.2.3. Please find some more details about the background
of that work in the NEWS file.

We would ask you to give it a thorough test run (if possible on
different terminal emulations) and report problems and
differences in the keyboard handling to the list.

If all goes well we can plug it into the main version afterwards.

Many thanks to all for help.

73, de Tom DL1JBE

"Do what is needful!"
Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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