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Re: feature request: cabrillo template

From: Thomas Beierlein
Subject: Re: feature request: cabrillo template
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 18:00:41 +0100

Hi Joop,

I assume you are talking about the contest and operator related
informations gathered when you want to write a new cabrillo file.

Can you please elaborate some more about what you have in mind here.
The head part of the cabrillo file is not independent of the contest.
So one template for all seems not to fit. But I see that at least the
operator related part could be common between contests.

Any comments or suggestions?

73, de Tom DL1JBE

Sun, 17 Nov 2019 10:32:16 +0100 schrieb Joop Stakenborg

> It would be nice to have a cabrillo template. If present, all the 
> questions when exporting to cabrillo can be skipped.
> 73 de Jo PG4I

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Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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