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Re: TLF logger, countrylist file format?

From: Gerard van Antwerpen
Subject: Re: TLF logger, countrylist file format?
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2022 07:02:21 +0000

Hi Tom,
I tried to add the beru: to the start of the file, and it gets read now (I also think it needs to be in the main contest directory, not the one with the rules in it), however I am getting the following error message:

   Welcome to tlf-1.4.0 by PA0R!!

Reading country data
Reading configuration data
Reading config file: logcfg.dat
Reading contest rules file: rules/beru*** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated

It is a long list of countries, but trimming it back doesn't help.
Putting a short country list in the rules file does get read, but doesn't seem to affect scoring, all contacts are given 5 points (as I set with CWPOINTS=5), and also points for my call area while I set MY_COUNTRY_POINTS=0

Attached my config files.

No panic, as I'm not relying on it for scoring points, it'd be nice to get it working though.
Gerard, ZL2GVA

From: Thomas Beierlein <>
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 10:14 AM
To: Gerard van Antwerpen <>
Subject: Re: TLF logger, countrylist file format?
Hi Gerard,

I think there is one piece of information missing from the

You have to start the line of countries with the name of the actual
contest. That means if you have a line


in your logcfg.dat than the countrylist line should read


You can put the line in a file and use


or you can put the line directly into the COUNTRYLIST definition


If that does not help, please send us a copy of your logcfg.dat and the
countrylist file.

73, de Tom

P.S. I will be away for some days starting on Saturday. So if above
suggestions do not work please contact the other OMs at TLFs
mailing list ( They will be glad to give some
more advice.

Am Thu, 3 Mar 2022 06:53:33 +0000
schrieb Gerard van Antwerpen <>:

> Hi,
> I haven't used TLF for logging, but trying it out to see if I could
> use if for the upcomming BERU contest. There is a long list of
> eligible country prefixes that are valid for getting points. It
> doesn't fit in the config file, so I tried to make a separate
> countrylist file. (called berucountries no extension). I used the
> list, all on one line, comma separated, starting with colon (and also
> tried without this). However the program doesn't seem to read the
> list and allocates points to any call I enter. Then I tried the
> pre-fixes each on their own line in the file, same result.
> I have got USE_COUNTRYLIST_ONLY SET, and also COUNTRYLIST=berucounties
> What am I doing wrong?
> Appreciate your help.
> Thanks,
> Gerard ZL2GVA
> Gerard van Antwerpen, Blenheim, NZ

"Do what is needful!"
Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

Attachment: berucountries
Description: berucountries

Attachment: berucountries (full)
Description: berucountries (full)

Attachment: logcfg.dat
Description: logcfg.dat

Attachment: beru
Description: beru

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