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Fwd: UK/EI DX CW Contest – 29th/30th April 2023

From: Martin Kratoska
Subject: Fwd: UK/EI DX CW Contest – 29th/30th April 2023
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 18:21:09 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.10.0

Just trying to prepare files for the UKEICC Contest. Rather weird, rather complex. Any help/ideas?

Has anybody ready to use, tested files?

Would be nice to see in the future tlf on the list of programs supporting this nice contest.

Martin, OK1RR

-------- Přeposlaná zpráva --------
Předmět:        UK/EI DX CW Contest – 29th/30th April 2023
Datum:  Thu, 27 Apr 2023 11:26:38 +0100
Od: <>

*UK/EI DX CW Contest – 29^th /30^th April 2023*

Dear OK1RR,

Hopefully you've had chance to look at the rules for this weekend's contest which are at and that you will join us in the event. A few points to emphasise follow:

1. The RSGB will no longer run their mixed mode DX contest each October and have joined UKEICC in supporting the UK/EI DX contest. We expect significantly more UK entrants as a result.

2. There are 2 types of per band multiplier - DXCC and UK/EI area codes (listed on the Rules page). Please make sure contacts with UK/EI are logged with the Area Code.

3. Please observe contest-preferred band segments.

4. Teams for the Team Competition can be reported up to log submission time.

5. Log submission deadline is *24 hours after the contest finish *and provisional results will appear shortly afterwards with personal error reports (UBNs) emailed out later in the week.

6. Adjudication principles are described in detail on the rules page (link).

7. There are 24 and 12 hour sections and other overlay categories.

Finally we have had as expected some comments regarding our continuing embargo on entrants from Russia/Belarus. We don't see any improvement in the situation since the invasion of Ukraine over a year ago and therefore no reason to change our stance. We look forward to the time when we can welcome all participants including those many Ukrainian radio amateurs who are currently excluded by circumstances beyond their control.

73, UKEICC Team

Attachment: ukeicc.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: ukeimults
Description: Text document

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