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Re: ToDo item: switch logfile to database

From: Nate Bargmann
Subject: Re: ToDo item: switch logfile to database
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2023 12:27:35 -0600

* On 2023 28 Dec 08:57 -0600, Alan Dove wrote:
> Hey, folks:
> I'm opposed to having TLF rely on a database. It adds complexity and
> failure points, and shouldn't be necessary for any forseeable contest
> log.

I think this is a good point particularly in the logging space where Tlf
is mostly used as a logger for single operator efforts.

> Users who want a tool to collect QSOs from multiple contests for
> analysis, DXCC tracking, and so forth should use a separate
> application. CQRLog does all that and more, and also exemplifies the
> kinds of support problems a database can add - just browse through the
> CQRLog forums for tales of woe from users who can't get the database
> connection working properly.

CQRlog was also my first thought and I do use it though I do not
aggregate my contest event log data into it.  However, CQRlog is X11 GUI
only and is not a solution for anyone working only in the console
(that's not an argument toward having Tlf depend on a DB).  There are
also online log repositories but one has to constantly upload to them
and rely on the services offered to make use of the data.  The somewhat
misnamed Logbook of The World does not import a considerable amount of
uploaded ADIF data as it is only intended to retain data needed for ARRL
and CQ WAZ award tracking.  The list of compromises with these services
goes on.

CQRlog depends on Mysql/Mariadb and can use it in two modes.  The first
is the usual where the server process is running on localhost or a
remote host and the second where it acts a bit like SQLite by starting a
private server that saves the DB in the user's home directory hierarchy.
I use the second method as it avoids having to become a DB

For those unfamiliar, SQLite is an embedded DB.  It saves the database
to a single file that can be specified at run time.  Like the current
log file the SQLite database file would be written in the working
directory for a given event.  While SQLite supports transactions
internally, the single file is still subject to anything that affects
the file system in use.  Backups are relatively easy by simply copying
the file though care should be take to ensure a write is not in
progress.  How much that differs from copying the present log file
merits investigation.

An advantage to SQLite would be the ability to quite easily construct
queries in the SQL syntax that would require custom C code with a flat
text file.  That said, text has the advantage that many tools can work
with it from the shell prompt or with higher level scripting languages
(editing log data at runtime would likely require custom code whereas
now it can be piped to a favorite editor).  An application accesses the
SQLite DB through library calls.  A certain amount of access at the
shell prompt is available via the sqlite utility.

> Networking should definitely be a higher priority.

Thinking of a networked multi-position station setup, each position's
computer having Tlf using an SQLite DB could be less error prone with
the potential for multiple entries from the other positions arriving
nearly simultaneously and the local station wanting to read the log for
previously worked callsigns, etc.  SQLite appears to be able to manage
that with ease whereas keeping a flat file in sync internally could be a

I don't have any empirical data to back this up, but my thought is that
once a log file were to exceed a few thousand entries that SQLite would
probably have the performance edge even if the log is kept in a single
flat table.

Food for thought.

73, Nate, N0NB

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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