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Re: [tpop3d-discuss] LDAP module for tpop3D (and virtual domains)

From: Prune
Subject: Re: [tpop3d-discuss] LDAP module for tpop3D (and virtual domains)
Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 01:53:07 +0100
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Almost done...
I have to be fresh tomorrow so I'm going to sleep.
I'm currently porting the auth_mysql to auth_ldap, this way :

having :

auth_ldap_host : hostname
auth_ldap_port : port (389)
-> this will go to auth_ldap_url = "ldap://localhost:389", fr example. (as soon I have time)
auth_ldap_base_dn :    ex : "dc=society, dc=com"
auth_ldap_login : login for admin auth
auth_ldap_pass : password of admin
auth_ldap_maildrop_attr : attribut containing where to put the mail (ex : maildrop)
auth_ldap_mail_attr : attribut on which we do the search  (ex : mail)
auth_ldap_uid_attr : the uid of the owner

first, we connect to LDAP and bind as admin
then, we search for the DN of the requested mail, and all attributes of the mail
We finaly bind as the user (with the provided password... this is how ldap do auth)
if the bind is successful, we return attributes

Do you have LDAP experiences yet ?
Do you think I'm on the right way ?

Have a good night, Cheers


Paul Makepeace wrote:
On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 11:23:50AM +0000, Chris Lightfoot wrote:
On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 10:11:25AM +0100, Prune wrote:
The perl module is for beeing able to test for 200k users quickly.
If the C version does not exist, i'll work on it... just tell me if you
have clues...
I would start by implementing the perl version and seeing
whether it's good enough. Unless LDAP lookups are very
slow indeed the performance of the server will still be
dominated by the time to process messages in the mail box,
and it will probably be much easier to do in perl....

Depends how quickly this is needed but I could have a stab at it some
time in the next couple of months. I'm moving countries right now so
time is short (so many relatives, so little time.. :-) but at the least
I'm happy to review if not actually write something.


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