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Re: [tpop3d-discuss] auth-ldap module for tpop3d

From: Chris Lightfoot
Subject: Re: [tpop3d-discuss] auth-ldap module for tpop3d
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 19:02:14 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.24i

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On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 07:56:02PM +0100, Prune wrote:
> hummm,
> tell me if I'm right....
> i = strcmp(k, S2->key);

I take it you mean in stringmap_find?

> this compare the attr defined in the auth.x.c file and the one in the 
> conf file.
> I guess, then, if the result is not 0 (not equals), you go to the next 
> attr, depending on alphabetiacl order... ?
> why ?

The keys are put into a binary tree in stringmap_insert,
so we can search for a given key by comparing the key
against the key for each node, and going down left or
right hand branch depending on the result from strcmp.

> attribut "aaa" is the first thing you can have in the conf file. "aaa" 
> is checked against the first line of the conf file.
> As this line goes 'after' (in the alphabet) than 'aaa', we check the 
> attribute 'before' the first line... which does not exist... so we stop....

Well, as I've said, I can't reproduce the problem, and the
above doesn't describe how I think the function works.

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