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address@hidden: Re: [tpop3d-discuss] unexpected PAM auth. failure, may b

From: Vasarhelyi asd Daniel
Subject: address@hidden: Re: [tpop3d-discuss] unexpected PAM auth. failure, may be a bug? (tpop3d-1.3.5)]
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 23:01:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

Would anyone tell me, why isn't it working?

ls -la /path/to/virtual/mailboxes/z
-rw-rw-rw-    1 fakeuser mailer        771 feb  4 17:34 

mail spool named as "mailboxes":drwxrwsrwx    8 root     mailer 4096 már 11 
22:45 mailboxes

authcontext_new_user_pass: began session for address@hidden' with mysql; uid 
1004, gid 105
fork_child: new child is PID 12799
mailspool_new_from_file: stat(/usr/local/musichello/mailroot/z): Permission 
connection_sendresponse: client address@hidden( sent `-ERR Unable to 
open mailbox; it may be locked by another concurrent session.'

mailbox: bsd:/path/to/virtual/mailboxes/$(user)
#append-domain: yes

auth-mysql-enable: yes
auth-mysql-mail-group: mailer # it is exists
auth-mysql-hostname: localhost
auth-mysql-database: pop3
auth-mysql-username: my_user
auth-mysql-password: my_pass

Please help me, It works for home, not in office :(


(this post is reposted, forst gone to a private address, sorry)
Daniel "asd" Vasarhelyi
PGP key avaible at and public keyservers
Key fingerprint = EA00 AF4D A83C 1122 0967  DDF5 27BC 390F 181F 9954
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