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Re: [tpop3d-discuss] Perl authentication for dummies

From: Chris Lightfoot
Subject: Re: [tpop3d-discuss] Perl authentication for dummies
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 09:34:33 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.24i

On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 10:12:58AM +0100, Martin Schmitt wrote:

If you stick 1; at the end, then put:

auth-perl-enable: yes
auth-perl-start: do '/path/to/dotpop-secret'
auth-perl-pass: pass

it should work, through the magic of TPOP3D::AuthDriver.

As a stylistic matter, I'd be more inclined to use
getspwent than to read /etc/shadow explicitly; and as a
matter of paranoia, I'd want to 

(a) open ~/.pop-secret, then fstat it, rather than stat it
    then open it;

(b) check the ownership of the file, too.

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  This has never been done before.'' (Mitch Benn, from `The Now Show', on Iraq)

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