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Re: Always "file changed on disk..."

From: Peter Woo
Subject: Re: Always "file changed on disk..."
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 02:22:07 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Sorry, should be:
"That NT ftp server's clock is kind of 5 minutes *faster* than my PC's

Peter Woo wrote:

>Under cygwin emacs on my PC, when connected to a NT ftp server (method
>ftp), after 1st save of an edited file, subsequent saves (within a few
>minutes interval) will alway make emacs returns the msg:
>"foo.txt changed on disk; really edit the buffer?"
>Have tried with the various backup options (on and off) but problem
>still persists.  The more annoying thing is that after forcing for a
>save, close buffer and re-open (if within a few minutes interval), the
>old file content will be presented.
>That NT ftp server's clock is kind of 5 minutes slower than my PC
>clock.  Not sure whether related.
>This can be reproduced on both tramp 2.1.2 and 2.1.3.
>Please help.
>Many thks,

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