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Find-file at point cannot manage tramp file syntax

From: Stéphane Senesi
Subject: Find-file at point cannot manage tramp file syntax
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2012 09:00:09 +0200
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I am using emacs 23.1.1 with tramp 2.2.3

When working on a remote file, which tramp location looks like "rsh:address@hidden:...", and invoking find-file-at-point at a place which shows a valid file reference on the remote host, I got the message : "rsh : Unknown host" in a buffer named "*tramp/rsh address@hidden" (while the relevant buffer, which do exist, is "*tramp/rsh address@hidden")
This does not happen in dired-mode (maybe find-file-at-point is here 
re-mapped to find-file or dired-find-file ?)
It looks like file-find-at-point should, and does not, discard the 
"rsh:" string before invoking tramp to get the file. Is it a 
compatibility issue (between emacs and tramp versions) ?
Best regards

Stéphane Sénési
Ingénieur - équipe Assemblage du Système Terre
Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques
Groupe de Météorologie à Grande Echelle et Climat

42 Av Coriolis
F-31057 Toulouse Cedex 1

+ (Fax :....9610)

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