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Re: OK, lets get this to work!!

From: gerald . jean
Subject: Re: OK, lets get this to work!!
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 11:10:54 -0500

I tried to set "comint-process-echoes" to "t", still got the double prompt

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address@hidden a écrit sur 2012/11/21
09:04:14 :

> On 21/11/2012 13:57, Michael Albinus wrote:
> > Andy Moreton <address@hidden> writes:
> >
> > Hy Andy,
> >
> >> Another thing to look at is the value of `comint-process-echoes'.
> >> Try adding "(setq comint-process-echoes t)" to the setup and see if
> >> tramp is happier.
> >
> > Tramp does not use comint. So it won't help, likely :-(
> ok, sorry for the noise.
> I've noticed from my local setup for NTemacs that the local shell under
> needs comint-process-echoes to be 't' for cmd.exe and nil for Cygwin
>      AndyM
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