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Re: Remote access to server without keys, only password

From: Luke Swart
Subject: Re: Remote access to server without keys, only password
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 01:02:51 -0700

Dear Michael,

Sorry for my long delayed response, but your suggestion resolved this issue! I will post a summary of your answer to my SO post here:

but feel free to re-post the answer under your account and I will gladly accept it. It turns out that I had incorrectly configured .authinfo, which was causing Tramp to submit an incorrect password for the server.



On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 6:52 AM, Michael Albinus <address@hidden> wrote:
Luke Swart <address@hidden> writes:

[Pls keep the Cc for the archives]

> Hi Michael,

Hi Luke,

> Here is the debug log from my buffer *debug tramp/ssh
> address@hidden* after 2 attempts to log in with the command C-x
> C-f /ssh:address@hidden:~/. It is a Digital Ocean server with no
> ssh keys; just a password to login, but TRAMP does not prompt me for
> any password.

Tramp sends a password, but a wrong one:

> 19:58:17.561007 tramp-send-command (6) # exec ssh -l root  -e none
> 19:58:19.457169 tramp-accept-process-output (10) #
> address@hidden's password:
> 19:58:19.463921 tramp-action-password (3) # Sending password
> 19:58:21.526264 tramp-process-actions (6) #
> address@hidden's password:
> Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for root

I suspect, you have somewhere defined a password for that host in
.authinfo or .netrc, which is sent by Tramp.

> Thanks!
> Luke

Best regards, Michael.

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