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remote file editing: corrupt save

From: Vinh Nguyen
Subject: remote file editing: corrupt save
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2016 18:00:13 -0800


I was using tramp 2.2.9 on Windows to edit a remote text file on an
AIX (UNIX) box.  The file was probably 100kb in size.  plink was used
to ssh to the remote file.

As I was editing the file, auto-save tried to save the file a few
instances, and because the save took some time (I think the connection
disconnected many times so tramp tried to re-connect), I kept pressing
C-g to abort the save so I could continue editing.  Then I manually
saved the file when I needed to.  After a while, emacs hung on me,
probably because it tried to save the file and it got into some kind
of infinite loop.

I killed emacs and re-opened the file.  I now see ascii characters in
my file, and wherever I edited, I see supposedly binary characters.
I'm attaching a snippet of the file here for your review (link here in
case attachment doesn't come through:

Does anyone know what went wrong?  Is there a way to undo the binary
characters so I can get back to my original content?  Thank you.

-- Vinh

Attachment: foo.txt
Description: Text document

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