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Re: tramp (; Tramp hangs when trying to connect in emacs for

From: Jeffrey Gennari
Subject: Re: tramp (; Tramp hangs when trying to connect in emacs for OSX 26.1
Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 09:33:58 +0000

Hi Michael

> On May 31, 2018, at 3:30 AM, Michael Albinus <address@hidden> wrote:
> Jeffrey Gennari <address@hidden> writes:
> Hi Jeffrey,
>> When attempting to connect over SSH tramp hangs with the message “Found 
>> remote shell prompt on …"and I must hit C-g to
>> quit. The debug output is below.
> Is this new with Emacs 26.1, or did it happen also with older Emacs /
> Tramp versions?

This is new in Emacs 26.1. Tramp worked fine in Emacs 25.3.
> Unfortunately, the Tramp debug buffer is not appended (this works only
> if you use gnus as MUA). Could you, pls, rerun the test and send the
> *debug tramp/ssh pd2* buffer?

See below.

Thanks for the response,

> Best regards, Michael.

;; Emacs: 26.1 Tramp: -*- mode: outline; -*-
;; Location: /Users/jsg/Desktop/ 
Git: nil
05:29:19.402216 tramp-get-file-property (8) # /home/jsg/ file-exists-p undef
05:29:19.402349 tramp-get-file-property (8) # /home/jsg/ 
file-attributes-integer nil
05:29:19.402454 tramp-get-file-property (8) # /home/jsg/ file-attributes-string 
05:29:19.402544 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # file-exists undef
05:29:19.402629 tramp-get-file-exists-command (5) # Finding command to check if 
file exists
05:29:19.402746 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # test undef
05:29:19.402829 tramp-get-test-command (5) # Finding a suitable ‘test’ command
05:29:19.402920 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:19.403008 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:19.403092 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:19.403183 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:19.403265 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:19.404383 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection for 
address@hidden using ssh...
05:29:19.453112 tramp-get-local-locale (7) # locale en_US.UTF-8
05:29:19.453228 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # login-args undef
05:29:19.453319 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # login-args undef
05:29:19.453421 tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options (4) # Computing ControlMaster 
05:29:19.453514 tramp-call-process (6) # ‘ssh -o ControlMaster’ nil  *temp*
05:29:19.463230 tramp-call-process (6) # 255
command-line line 0: missing argument.
05:29:19.463359 tramp-call-process (6) # ‘ssh -o ConnectTimeout=1 -o 
ControlPath=%C’ nil  *temp*
05:29:19.475468 tramp-call-process (6) # 255
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
05:29:19.475637 tramp-call-process (6) # ‘ssh -o ControlPersist’ nil  *temp*
05:29:19.485104 tramp-call-process (6) # 255
command-line line 0: Missing ControlPersist argument.
05:29:19.485220 tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options (4) # Computing ControlMaster 
05:29:19.485324 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:19.485402 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:19.490482 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # vector (tramp-file-name ssh 
jsg nil pd2 nil /home/jsg/ nil)
05:29:19.490667 tramp-maybe-open-connection (6) # /bin/sh -i
05:29:19.490768 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # vector (tramp-file-name ssh 
jsg nil pd2 nil /home/jsg/ nil)
05:29:19.490866 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:19.490955 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:19.497035 tramp-accept-process-output (10) # *tramp/ssh address@hidden 
run t
05:29:19.497162 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:19.497247 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:19.497336 tramp-wait-for-regexp (6) # 
05:29:19.497480 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # login-program undef
05:29:19.497570 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # login-args undef
05:29:19.497667 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # login-env undef
05:29:19.497760 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # async-args undef
05:29:19.497846 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # connection-timeout undef
05:29:19.497973 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # temp-file undef
05:29:19.498231 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # temp-file 
05:29:19.507226 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Sending command ‘exec ssh -l 
jsg  -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath='tramp.%C' -o ControlPersist=no -e 
none pd2’
05:29:19.507356 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:19.507476 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
05:29:19.507560 tramp-send-command (6) # exec ssh -l jsg  -o ControlMaster=auto 
-o ControlPath='tramp.%C' -o ControlPersist=no -e none pd2
05:29:19.507650 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:19.507745 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
05:29:19.507836 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (23311 49263 
507808 0)
05:29:19.507926 tramp-send-string (10) # exec ssh -l jsg  -o ControlMaster=auto 
-o ControlPath='tramp.%C' -o ControlPersist=no -e none pd2
05:29:19.508028 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:19.508154 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # first-password-request 
05:29:19.508828 tramp-process-actions (3) # Waiting for prompts from remote 
05:29:20.036476 tramp-accept-process-output (10) # *tramp/ssh address@hidden 
run t
Last login: Thu May 31 05:26:31 2018 from

    Welcome to pd2

    redhat_7 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64

    This system is managed by CFEngine 3.6.4.
    Local policies updated: Wed May 30 14:39:01 2018.


05:29:20.036679 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(.*\(user\|login\)\( .*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.036863 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.037018 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.038153 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
 de passe\|ật khẩu\)\|pa\(?:rola\|s\(?:ahitza\|s\(?: 
 *\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.038383 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.038549 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.039095 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|\(?:Sorry, try 
again\|Timeout, server not responding\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
[0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.039270 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.039422 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.039737 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.039937 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.040055 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.040214 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(?:^\|
]*#?[]#$%>] *\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\)*\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.040355 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.040470 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.040660 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(Are you 
sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)\?\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.040791 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.040916 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.041044 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(\(\(?:Store key in cache\? (y/\|Update cached key\? (y/n, Return cancels 
connectio\)n)\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.041173 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.041292 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.041426 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\(TERM = 
(.*)\|Terminal type\? \[.*\]\)\s-*\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.041566 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.041683 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.041812 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(\)\'" from 
remote shell
05:29:20.041929 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.042038 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.042169 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call ‘tramp-action-process-alive’
05:29:20.467150 tramp-accept-process-output (10) # *tramp/ssh address@hidden 
run t
Last login: Thu May 31 05:26:31 2018 from

    Welcome to pd2

    redhat_7 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64

    This system is managed by CFEngine 3.6.4.
    Local policies updated: Wed May 30 14:39:01 2018.


ddress@hidden:~ $ 
05:29:20.467399 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(.*\(user\|login\)\( .*\)?: *\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.467570 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.467732 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.468834 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
 de passe\|ật khẩu\)\|pa\(?:rola\|s\(?:ahitza\|s\(?: 
 *\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.468998 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.469135 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.469575 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp 
"\(^.*\(Connection \(?:\(?:clo\|refu\)sed\)\|Host key verification 
failed\.\|Login \(?:[Ii]ncorrect\)\|N\(?:ame or service not known\|o supported 
authentication methods left to try!\)\|Permission denied\|\(?:Sorry, try 
again\|Timeout, server not responding\)\.\).*\|^.*\(Received signal 
[0-9]+\).*\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.469715 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.469840 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.470090 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Looking for regexp "\(^[^#$%>
]*[#$%>] *\)\'" from remote shell
05:29:20.470225 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.470371 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.470491 tramp-process-one-action (5) # Call ‘tramp-action-succeed’
05:29:20.470622 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:20.470749 tramp-process-actions (6) # 
Last login: Thu May 31 05:26:31 2018 from

    Welcome to pd2

    redhat_7 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64

    This system is managed by CFEngine 3.6.4.
    Local policies updated: Wed May 30 14:39:01 2018.


ddress@hidden:~ $ 
05:29:20.470903 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:20.471670 tramp-process-actions (3) # Waiting for prompts from remote 
05:29:20.472372 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Found remote shell prompt on 
05:29:20.472507 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:20.473688 tramp-get-file-property (8) # /.emacs.d/themes/files-x.elc 
file-readable-p undef
05:29:20.473853 tramp-get-file-property (8) # /.emacs.d/themes/files-x.elc 
file-attributes-string nil
05:29:20.474338 tramp-get-file-property (8) # /.emacs.d/themes/files-x.elc 
file-attributes-string undef
05:29:20.474474 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # stat undef
05:29:20.474593 tramp-get-remote-stat (5) # Finding a suitable ‘stat’ command
05:29:20.474713 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-path undef
05:29:20.474822 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:20.474939 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:20.475039 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:20.475160 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (23311 49263 
507808 0)
05:29:20.475291 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:20.475394 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # remote-echo nil
05:29:20.475502 tramp-send-command (6) # echo \"`getconf PATH 2>/dev/null`\" 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
05:29:20.475613 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:20.475720 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # chunksize nil
05:29:20.475828 tramp-set-connection-property (7) # last-cmd-time (23311 49264 
475786 0)
05:29:20.475953 tramp-send-string (10) # echo \"`getconf PATH 2>/dev/null`\" 
2>/dev/null; echo tramp_exit_status $?
05:29:20.476067 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:20.476218 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.476336 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.513768 tramp-accept-process-output (10) # *tramp/ssh address@hidden 
run t
tramp_exit_status 0
05:29:20.513960 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.514122 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.518756 tramp-accept-process-output (10) # *tramp/ssh address@hidden 
run t
tramp_exit_status 0
ddress@hidden:~ $ 
05:29:20.519001 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:20.519171 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:21.525121 tramp-accept-process-output (10) # *tramp/ssh address@hidden 
run nil
tramp_exit_status 0
ddress@hidden:~ $ 
05:29:21.525478 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:21.525691 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:22.527446 tramp-accept-process-output (10) # *tramp/ssh address@hidden 
run nil
tramp_exit_status 0
ddress@hidden:~ $ 
05:29:22.527695 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:22.527863 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:23.530519 tramp-accept-process-output (10) # *tramp/ssh address@hidden 
run nil
tramp_exit_status 0
ddress@hidden:~ $ 
05:29:23.530882 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:23.531055 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:24.537455 tramp-accept-process-output (10) # *tramp/ssh address@hidden 
run nil
tramp_exit_status 0
ddress@hidden:~ $ 
05:29:24.537711 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:24.537884 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # check-remote-echo nil
05:29:24.841068 tramp-file-name-handler (1) # Interrupt received in operation 
(file-attributes /ssh:address@hidden:/.emacs.d/themes/files-x.elc string)
tramp_exit_status 0
ddress@hidden:~ $ 
05:29:24.841330 tramp-file-name-handler (1) # Interrupt received in operation 
(file-readable-p /ssh:address@hidden:/.emacs.d/themes/files-x.elc)
tramp_exit_status 0
ddress@hidden:~ $ 
05:29:24.842285 tramp-maybe-open-connection (3) # Opening connection for 
address@hidden using ssh...failed
05:29:24.851048 tramp-get-file-property (8) #  file-truename nil
05:29:24.851255 tramp-flush-directory-property (8) # 
05:29:24.851431 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:24.851597 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:24.851757 tramp-flush-connection-property (7) # *tramp/ssh address@hidden 
(vector temp-file last-cmd-time)
05:29:24.851928 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-name nil
05:29:24.854069 tramp-flush-connection-property (7) # (tramp-file-name ssh jsg 
nil pd2 nil nil nil) (process-buffer first-password-request)
05:29:24.854242 tramp-get-connection-property (7) # process-buffer nil
05:29:24.854434 tramp-file-name-handler (1) # Interrupt received in operation 
(file-exists-p /ssh:address@hidden:/home/jsg/)


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