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Re: tramp does not see bash, inotify-tools on my android/termux

From: Gregor Zattler
Subject: Re: tramp does not see bash, inotify-tools on my android/termux
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 16:34:15 +0100

Hi Michael,
* Michael Albinus <> [2024-11-20; 13:59 +01]:
> Gregor Zattler <> writes:
>> Hi, I do use tramp to access my
>> android via sshd via termux, but I get
>> the following warning:
>> Any hints?
> (info "(tramp) Android shell setup")

thank you very much, works now for me.
One question, though:

Is the string "android" in this setting :

     '(:application tramp :machine "android")

a regexp?

I'm having trouble to have one setting
which covers various ways to name the
same machine, hiere:


etc.  But this is a minor concern, i can
use the same way of addressing the machine.

Ciao; Gregor
 -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

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