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[Feature Request] Fingerprint prompting for tramp

From: N Winkel
Subject: [Feature Request] Fingerprint prompting for tramp
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2024 16:24:55 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi Tramp Development Team,

Would it be possible to add the prompts sudo gives for fingerprint authentication to the prompts for tramp? Currently it does accept the fingerprint, however it doesn't show a prompt or give an option to cancel it and go to password authentication instead, instead timing out and erroring.

When sudo prompts for fingerprint is gives "Place your finger on the fingerprint reader", times out with the message "Verification timed out" after 30 seconds and sends to password verification (at least when run from shell). Alternatively if you want to cancel fingerprint auth and go straight to password, you can send Ctrl+C.

Currently when I try to use tramp (and don't use the fingerprint reader) it times out after 15 seconds with tramp-error: Timeout reached, see buffer ´*tramp/sudo root@localhost*´ for details, a buffer which contains "Place your finger on the fingerprint reader". With fprintd enabled in my /etc/pam.d/sudo I currently have no way of using password in tramp (unless I add a script that detects being within tramp and skips fprint).

I hope this can be implemented! I should be able to test an implementation if someone can work on it (provided I find out how to) if needed.

Many Thanks,

N.B. I initially asked this on Emacs StackExchange where it was suggested to request here.

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