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[] r303 - in . prep/i18n server

From: Corellia
Subject: [] r303 - in . prep/i18n server
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2007 16:13:36 +0200

Author: yavor
Date: Sat Dec  8 16:13:35 2007
New Revision: 303

* home.zh-cn.shtml:
* prep/i18n/
* server/
* server/
* server/ Add these generated files to provoke
full simulation.


---     (original)
+++     Sat Dec  8 16:13:35 2007
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+2007-12-08  Yavor Doganov  <address@hidden>
+       *
+       *
+       * home.zh-cn.shtml:
+       * prep/i18n/
+       * server/
+       * server/
+       * server/ Add these generated files to provoke
+       full simulation.
 2007-12-07  Yavor Doganov  <address@hidden>
        Fix the Polish gnusflashes unpleasant situation.

--- (empty file)
+++ Sat Dec  8 16:13:35 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/" -->
+<title>Операционната система GNU - Проектът GNU - Фондация за свободен софтуер 
+Свободна като „свобода“ - GNU/Линукс</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Keywords" content="GNU, FSF, Free Software Foundation, 
Linux, Emacs, GCC, Unix, Free Software, Operating System, GNU Kernel, HURD, GNU 
HURD, Hurd" />
+<meta http-equiv="Description" content="Since 1983, developing the free Unix 
style operating system GNU, so that computer users can have the freedom to 
share and improve the software they use." />
+<link rel="alternate" title="Какво ново" 
href=""; type="application/rss+xml" />
+<link rel="alternate" title="Нов свободен софтуер" 
href=""; type="application/rss+xml" />
+   Please ensure that you properly nest your tags.
+   If in doubt, use the w3c validator: this is strict xhtml.
+   Keep tables simple, and make sure they degrade properly.
+   Review the w3c accessibility guidelines when in doubt 
+ END FSFlinks 
+ BEGIN content -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/" -->
+<h2>Операционната система <acronym title="GNU's not Unix! (GNU не е 
+Юникс!)">GNU</acronym> — <a href="/philosophy/">Свободна 
+като „свобода“<sup><a href="#TransNote1" id="TransBack1">1</a></sup></a></h2>
+<!-- a space for announcements - mattl 
+ <div class="announcement"></div>  -->
+<h3>Какво представлява проектът <acronym>GNU</acronym>?</h3>
+<p>Проектът <acronym>GNU</acronym> е основан през 1984 г. за да се разработи 
+пълноценна операционна система, подобна на „Юникс“ (Unix), която е <a 
+href="philosophy/">свободен софтуер</a>: системата 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym>.  Днес широко се използват варианти на операционната 
+система <acronym>GNU</acronym>, които ползват ядрото Линукс (Linux); въпреки 
+че тези системи често са наричани „Линукс“, много по-правилно е те да се 
+назовават <a href="/gnu/">GNU/Линукс или GNU/Linux 
+<p><acronym>GNU</acronym> е рекурсивен акроним на „GNU's Not Unix (GNU не е 
+Юникс)“; произнася се <em>гну</em>.</p>
+<h3>Що е свободен софтуер?</h3>
+<p>„<a href="/philosophy/">Свободният софтуер</a>“ е въпрос на 
+свобода, не на цена.  За да разберете идеята, мислете за „свободен“ като 
+„свобода на словото“, а не като „безплатен обяд“.</p>
+<p>Свободният софтуер осигурява на потребителите свободата да изпълняват, 
+копират, разпространяват, изучават, променят и подобряват софтуера.  
+По-точно казано това се състои от четири основни свободи за потребителите на 
+  <li>Свободата да изпълняваш програмата — за всякакви цели (свобода №0).</li>
+  <li>Свободата да изучаваш как работи програмата и да я изменяш, за да 
+на нуждите ти (свобода №1).  Достъпът до изходния код е необходимо условие 
+за това.</li>
+  <li>Свободата да разпространяваш копия, за да помогнеш на ближния си 
+  <li>Свободата да подобряваш програмата и да споделиш подобренията си с 
+за да може цялата общност да се възползва (свобода №3).  Достъпът до 
+изходния код е необходимо условие за това.</li>
+<h3>Какво е Фондацията за свободен софтуер?</h3>
+<p><a href="";>Фондацията за свободен софтуер</a> (<abbr 
+title="Фондация за свободен софтуер">ФСС</abbr>) е основния организационен 
+спонсор на проекта <acronym>GNU</acronym>.  <abbr title="Фондация за 
+свободен софтуер">ФСС</abbr> получава много малко средства от корпорации или 
+дарителски фондации, но разчита на поддръжка от личности като Вас.
+<p>Моля, помислете върху възможността да помогнете на <abbr title="Фондация за 
+свободен софтуер">ФСС</abbr> като <a href="";>станете 
+кандидат-член</a>, <a href="";>купите ръководства и 
+принадлежности</a> или <a href="";>дарите пари</a>. Ако 
+използвате свободен софтуер във Вашия бизнес, може да помислите за <a 
+href="";>корпоративно подпомагане</a> или <a 
+href="";>луксозна дистрибуция на софтуер 
+на <acronym>GNU</acronym></a> като начин да поддържате <abbr title="Фондация 
+за свободен софтуер">ФСС</abbr>.
+Проектът <acronym>GNU</acronym> подкрепя мисията на <abbr title="Фондация за 
+свободен софтуер">ФСС</abbr> да закриля, защитава и поддържа свободата за 
+ползване, изучаване, копиране, промяна и разпространение на компютърен 
+софтуер, и да защитава правата на потребителите на свободен софтуер. Ние 
+поддържаме <a href="/philosophy/basic-freedoms.html">свободата на словото, 
+пресата и общуването</a> по Интернет, <a 
+href="";>правото за използване на софтуер за 
+шифриране на лични комуникации</a>, и <a 
+href="/philosophy/protecting.html">правото за писане на софтуер</a>, 
+незастрашаван от частни монополи.  Може да научите повече за тези проблеми 
+от книгата <a href="/doc/book13.html" >Свободен софтуер, свободно 
+   Keep link lines at 72 characters or lynx will break them poorly.
+   Obviously, we list ONLY the most useful/important URLs here.
+   Keep it short and sweet: 3 lines and 2 columns is already enough 
+ BEGIN GNUmenu -->
+<h3>Повече информация</h3>
+<ul class="translations-list">
+  <li><a href="/provide.html">Какво осигуряваме</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/philosophy/">Защо съществуваме</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/gnu/">Накъде отиваме</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/help/help.html">Как може да ни помогнете да стигнем 
+  <li><a href="/people/people.html">Кои сме ние</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/testimonials/testimonials.html">Какво мислят потребителите за 
+софтуера на <acronym>GNU</acronym></a></li>
+<!-- END content -->
+<hr />
+<!-- BEGIN Articles -->
+<div class="rowOfBoxes">
+<div class="half noBorderOnLeft">
+   GNUs Flash is a pun on News Flash. 
+   Please don't make it GNU's Flash. 
+<h3 id="Flashes">Гнувини<sup><a href="#TransNote2" 
+   Please make sure an announcement is sent to address@hidden
+   Include announcements in /server/whatsnew.html 
+   Please do not use anchor ids in this. They will be deleted and 
+   hrefs pointing at them will fail. Instead use /home.html#Flashes
+   rms SEZ:
+<!--#include file="gnusflashes.include" -->
+<p>За други новини, както и за материали, които са били в тази секция 
+„Гнувини“, вижте <a href="/server/whatsnew.html">Какво ново</a> относно 
+проекта <acronym>GNU</acronym>.
+<!-- END GNUFlashes 
+ BEGIN TakeAction -->
+<div class="half">
+<h3 id="Action">Take Action</h3>
+  <li><strong>License drafting:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#licenses">Participate</a> in the drafting of 
+the AGPL, GFDL, and GSFDL.</li>
+  <li><strong>British citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="";>Sign this 
+petition</a> to require all British publicly funded software be free 
+software. The petition closes 22 July 2007.</li>
+  <li><strong>Worldwide:</strong> <a href="/server/takeaction.html#doom">Sign 
+Doom community's petition</a> to free the source code to the games Heretic 
+and Hexen.</li>
+  <li><strong>Priority projects:</strong> <a 
+href="";>Contribute</a> to these 
+projects we are currently emphasizing: <a 
+href="";>Free software 3D video drivers</a>, 
+develop a free compatible client for Google Earth, <a 
+href="";>Free BIOS</a>, <a 
+href="";> and free Internet protocols</a>, <a 
+href="";>reversible debugging 
+for GDB</a>, and <a href="";>Gnash</a> 
+(<acronym>GNU</acronym> Flash Player).</li>
+  <li><strong>Long-term contribution:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#gnustep">Please contribute</a> as a user and 
+developer to <a href="";>GNUstep</a>, a free 
+object-oriented framework for application development.</li>
+  <li><strong>US citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#music-sharing"> Sign EFF's petition</a> in 
+favor of music sharing.</li>
+  <li><strong>US citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#broadcast">Support Public Knowledge against 
+the "broadcast flag"</a></li>
+  <li><strong>World wide:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#wipochange">Call on WIPO to change its name 
+and mission</a>.</li>
+  <li><strong>World wide:</strong> <a 
+awareness of dangers of WIPO Broadcast Treaty</a>.
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>In Europe:</strong> <a 
+against software patents</a>.</li>
+  <li><strong>US citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#antidmca">Sign petitions against software 
+patents and the DMCA</a>.</li>
+  <li><strong>Long-term contribution:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#unmaint">Take over an unmaintained 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> package:</a> <a href="/software/a2ps/">a2ps</a>, <a 
+  <li><a href="/server/takeaction.html#directory">Add to the Free Software 
+<p><a href="/server/takeaction.html#other">Other Action Items</a>
+<!-- END TakeAction -->
+<!-- END Articles -->
+<div style="font-size: small;">GNU-i18n-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S NOTES</div>
+<!-- BEGIN copyleft -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/" -->
+<div id="footer">
+  this anchor is referred to from the default
+  gendocs_template (available as part of Texinfo) used for
+  generating GNU manuals online, so please don't remove it.  
+<p><a name="ContactInfo"></a> Please inquire about <acronym>GNU</acronym> by 
+Email: <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a>, Voice: 
+or Fax: +1-617-542-2652.
+<p>Please send broken links and other web page suggestions to <a 
+href="/people/webmeisters.html">The <acronym>GNU</acronym> Webmasters</a> at 
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a>, thank you.</p>
+  Copyright &copy; 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 
+2006, 2007 <a href="";>Free Software Foundation</a>, Inc., 
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA<br /> Verbatim 
+copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted worldwide, 
+without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice, and the copyright 
+notice, are preserved.
+<div class="translators-credits">GNU-i18n-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S CREDITS</div>
+<p>Моля, докладвайте грешки и предложения относно българския превод
+<a href="";>системата за
+проследяване на грешки</a> на <a
+href="";>проекта за превод на</a>. Благодарим Ви!</p>
+ <p><!-- timestamp start -->
+   $Date: 2007/06/29 00:05:33 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->
+<!-- END copyleft 
+ BEGIN TranslationList -->
+<div id="translations">
+<h4><a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations</a> of 
+this page</h4>
+<!-- END TranslationList -->
+<!--#include file="translations.include" -->
+<!-- END layout -->

--- (empty file)
+++ Sat Dec  8 16:13:35 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/" -->
+<title>The GNU Operating system - the GNU project - Free Software Foundation - 
+as in Freedom - GNU/Linux</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Keywords" content="GNU, FSF, Free Software Foundation, 
Linux, Emacs, GCC, Unix, Free Software, Operating System, GNU Kernel, HURD, GNU 
HURD, Hurd" />
+<meta http-equiv="Description" content="Since 1983, developing the free Unix 
style operating system GNU, so that computer users can have the freedom to 
share and improve the software they use." />
+<link rel="alternate" title="What's New" 
href=""; type="application/rss+xml" />
+<link rel="alternate" title="New Free Software" 
href=""; type="application/rss+xml" />
+   Please ensure that you properly nest your tags.
+   If in doubt, use the w3c validator: this is strict xhtml.
+   Keep tables simple, and make sure they degrade properly.
+   Review the w3c accessibility guidelines when in doubt 
+ END FSFlinks 
+ BEGIN content -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/" -->
+<h2>The <acronym title="GNU's not Unix!">GNU</acronym> Operating System - <a 
+href="/philosophy/philosophy.html">Free as in Freedom</a></h2>
+<!-- a space for announcements - mattl 
+ <div class="announcement"></div>  -->
+<h3>What is the <acronym>GNU</acronym> project?</h3>
+<p>The <acronym>GNU</acronym> Project was launched in 1984 to develop a 
+complete Unix-like operating system which is <a 
+href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software</a>: the 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> system. Variants of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> 
+operating system, which use the kernel called Linux, are now widely used; 
+though these systems are often referred to as &ldquo;Linux&rdquo;, they are 
+more accurately called <a href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">GNU/Linux 
+<p><acronym>GNU</acronym> is a recursive acronym for &ldquo;GNU's Not 
+Unix&rdquo;; it is pronounced <em>guh-noo</em>, approximately like 
+<h3>What is Free Software?</h3>
+<p>&ldquo;<a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">Free software</a>&rdquo; is a 
+matter of liberty, not price.  To understand the concept, you should think 
+of &ldquo;free&rdquo; as in &ldquo;free speech&rdquo;, not as in &ldquo;free 
+<p>Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute, 
+study, change and improve the software.  More precisely, it refers to four 
+kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:</p>
+  <li>The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).</li>
+  <li>The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs 
+(freedom 1).  Access to the source code is a precondition for this.</li>
+  <li>The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor 
+  <li>The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the 
+public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3).  Access to the 
+source code is a precondition for this.</li>
+<h3>What is the Free Software Foundation?</h3>
+<p>The <a href="";>Free Software Foundation</a> (<abbr 
+title="Free Software Foundation">FSF</abbr>) is the principal organizational 
+sponsor of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> Project.  The <abbr>FSF</abbr> 
+receives very little funding from corporations or grant-making foundations, 
+but relies on support from individuals like you.
+<p>Please consider helping the <abbr>FSF</abbr> by <a 
+href="";>becoming an associate member</a>, <a 
+href="";>buying manuals and gear</a> or by <a 
+href="";>donating money</a>.  If you use Free Software 
+in your business, you can also consider <a 
+href="";>corporate patronage</a> or <a 
+href="";>a deluxe distribution of 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> software</a> as a way to support the 
+The <acronym>GNU</acronym> project supports the mission of the 
+<abbr>FSF</abbr> to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, 
+copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights 
+of Free Software users.  We support the <a 
+href="/philosophy/basic-freedoms.html">freedoms of speech, press, and 
+association</a> on the Internet, <a href="";>the 
+right to use encryption software for private communication</a>, and the <a 
+href="/philosophy/protecting.html">right to write software</a> unimpeded by 
+private monopolies.  You can also learn more about these issues in the book 
+<a href="/doc/book13.html">Free Software, Free Society</a>.
+   Keep link lines at 72 characters or lynx will break them poorly.
+   Obviously, we list ONLY the most useful/important URLs here.
+   Keep it short and sweet: 3 lines and 2 columns is already enough 
+ BEGIN GNUmenu -->
+<h3>More information</h3>
+<ul class="translations-list">
+  <li><a href="/provide.html">What we provide</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/philosophy/philosophy.html">Why we exist</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/gnu/gnu-history.html">Where we are going</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/help/help.html">How you can help us get there</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/people/people.html">Who we are</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/testimonials/testimonials.html">What users think of 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> software</a></li>
+<!-- END content -->
+<hr />
+<!-- BEGIN Articles -->
+<div class="rowOfBoxes">
+<div class="half noBorderOnLeft">
+   GNUs Flash is a pun on News Flash. 
+   Please don't make it GNU's Flash. 
+<h3 id="Flashes">GNUs Flashes</h3>
+   Please make sure an announcement is sent to address@hidden
+   Include announcements in /server/whatsnew.html 
+   Please do not use anchor ids in this. They will be deleted and 
+   hrefs pointing at them will fail. Instead use /home.html#Flashes
+   rms SEZ:
+<!--#include file="gnusflashes.polish.include" -->
+<p>For other news, as well as for items that used to be in this GNUs Flashes 
+section, see <a href="/server/whatsnew.html">What's New</a> in and about the 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> Project.
+<!-- END GNUFlashes 
+ BEGIN TakeAction -->
+<div class="half">
+<h3 id="Action">Take Action</h3>
+  <li><strong>License drafting:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#licenses">Participate</a> in the drafting of 
+the AGPL, GFDL, and GSFDL.</li>
+  <li><strong>British citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="";>Sign this 
+petition</a> to require all British publicly funded software be free 
+software. The petition closes 22 July 2007.</li>
+  <li><strong>Worldwide:</strong> <a href="/server/takeaction.html#doom">Sign 
+Doom community's petition</a> to free the source code to the games Heretic 
+and Hexen.</li>
+  <li><strong>Priority projects:</strong> <a 
+href="";>Contribute</a> to these 
+projects we are currently emphasizing: <a 
+href="";>Free software 3D video drivers</a>, 
+develop a free compatible client for Google Earth, <a 
+href="";>Free BIOS</a>, <a 
+href="";> and free Internet protocols</a>, <a 
+href="";>reversible debugging 
+for GDB</a>, and <a href="";>Gnash</a> 
+(<acronym>GNU</acronym> Flash Player).</li>
+  <li><strong>Long-term contribution:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#gnustep">Please contribute</a> as a user and 
+developer to <a href="";>GNUstep</a>, a free 
+object-oriented framework for application development.</li>
+  <li><strong>US citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#music-sharing"> Sign EFF's petition</a> in 
+favor of music sharing.</li>
+  <li><strong>US citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#broadcast">Support Public Knowledge against 
+the "broadcast flag"</a></li>
+  <li><strong>World wide:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#wipochange">Call on WIPO to change its name 
+and mission</a>.</li>
+  <li><strong>World wide:</strong> <a 
+awareness of dangers of WIPO Broadcast Treaty</a>.
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>In Europe:</strong> <a 
+against software patents</a>.</li>
+  <li><strong>US citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#antidmca">Sign petitions against software 
+patents and the DMCA</a>.</li>
+  <li><strong>Long-term contribution:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#unmaint">Take over an unmaintained 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> package:</a> <a href="/software/a2ps/">a2ps</a>, <a 
+  <li><a href="/server/takeaction.html#directory">Add to the Free Software 
+<p><a href="/server/takeaction.html#other">Other Action Items</a>
+<!-- END TakeAction -->
+<!-- END Articles -->
+<div style="font-size: small;">GNU-i18n-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S NOTES</div>
+<!-- BEGIN copyleft -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/" -->
+<div id="footer">
+  this anchor is referred to from the default
+  gendocs_template (available as part of Texinfo) used for
+  generating GNU manuals online, so please don't remove it.  
+<p><a name="ContactInfo"></a> Please inquire about <acronym>GNU</acronym> by 
+Email: <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a>, Voice: 
+or Fax: +1-617-542-2652.
+<p>Please send broken links and other web page suggestions to <a 
+href="/people/webmeisters.html">The <acronym>GNU</acronym> Webmasters</a> at 
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a>, thank you.</p>
+  Copyright &copy; 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 
+2006, 2007 <a href="";>Free Software Foundation</a>, Inc., 
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA<br /> Verbatim 
+copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted worldwide, 
+without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice, and the copyright 
+notice, are preserved.
+<div class="translators-credits">GNU-i18n-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S CREDITS</div>
+ <p><!-- timestamp start -->
+   $Date: 2007/06/29 00:05:33 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->
+<!-- END copyleft 
+ BEGIN TranslationList -->
+<div id="translations">
+<h4><a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations</a> of 
+this page</h4>
+<!-- END TranslationList -->
+<!--#include file="translations.include" -->
+<!-- END layout -->

--- (empty file)
+++      Sat Dec  8 16:13:35 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.zh-cn.html" -->
+<title>The GNU Operating system - the GNU project - Free Software Foundation - 
+as in Freedom - GNU/Linux</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Keywords" content="GNU, FSF, Free Software Foundation, 
Linux, Emacs, GCC, Unix, Free Software, Operating System, GNU Kernel, HURD, GNU 
HURD, Hurd" />
+<meta http-equiv="Description" content="Since 1983, developing the free Unix 
style operating system GNU, so that computer users can have the freedom to 
share and improve the software they use." />
+<link rel="alternate" title="What's New" 
href=""; type="application/rss+xml" />
+<link rel="alternate" title="New Free Software" 
href=""; type="application/rss+xml" />
+   Please ensure that you properly nest your tags.
+   If in doubt, use the w3c validator: this is strict xhtml.
+   Keep tables simple, and make sure they degrade properly.
+   Review the w3c accessibility guidelines when in doubt 
+ END FSFlinks 
+ BEGIN content -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.zh-cn.html" -->
+<h2>The <acronym title="GNU's not Unix!">GNU</acronym> Operating System - <a 
+href="/philosophy/philosophy.html">Free as in Freedom</a></h2>
+<!-- a space for announcements - mattl 
+ <div class="announcement"></div>  -->
+<h3>What is the <acronym>GNU</acronym> project?</h3>
+<p>The <acronym>GNU</acronym> Project was launched in 1984 to develop a 
+complete Unix-like operating system which is <a 
+href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software</a>: the 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> system. Variants of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> 
+operating system, which use the kernel called Linux, are now widely used; 
+though these systems are often referred to as &ldquo;Linux&rdquo;, they are 
+more accurately called <a href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">GNU/Linux 
+<p><acronym>GNU</acronym> is a recursive acronym for &ldquo;GNU's Not 
+Unix&rdquo;; it is pronounced <em>guh-noo</em>, approximately like 
+<h3>What is Free Software?</h3>
+<p>&ldquo;<a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">Free software</a>&rdquo; is a 
+matter of liberty, not price.  To understand the concept, you should think 
+of &ldquo;free&rdquo; as in &ldquo;free speech&rdquo;, not as in &ldquo;free 
+<p>Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute, 
+study, change and improve the software.  More precisely, it refers to four 
+kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:</p>
+  <li>The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).</li>
+  <li>The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs 
+(freedom 1).  Access to the source code is a precondition for this.</li>
+  <li>The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor 
+  <li>The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the 
+public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3).  Access to the 
+source code is a precondition for this.</li>
+<h3>What is the Free Software Foundation?</h3>
+<p>The <a href="";>Free Software Foundation</a> (<abbr 
+title="Free Software Foundation">FSF</abbr>) is the principal organizational 
+sponsor of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> Project.  The <abbr>FSF</abbr> 
+receives very little funding from corporations or grant-making foundations, 
+but relies on support from individuals like you.
+<p>Please consider helping the <abbr>FSF</abbr> by <a 
+href="";>becoming an associate member</a>, <a 
+href="";>buying manuals and gear</a> or by <a 
+href="";>donating money</a>.  If you use Free Software 
+in your business, you can also consider <a 
+href="";>corporate patronage</a> or <a 
+href="";>a deluxe distribution of 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> software</a> as a way to support the 
+The <acronym>GNU</acronym> project supports the mission of the 
+<abbr>FSF</abbr> to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, 
+copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights 
+of Free Software users.  We support the <a 
+href="/philosophy/basic-freedoms.html">freedoms of speech, press, and 
+association</a> on the Internet, <a href="";>the 
+right to use encryption software for private communication</a>, and the <a 
+href="/philosophy/protecting.html">right to write software</a> unimpeded by 
+private monopolies.  You can also learn more about these issues in the book 
+<a href="/doc/book13.html">Free Software, Free Society</a>.
+   Keep link lines at 72 characters or lynx will break them poorly.
+   Obviously, we list ONLY the most useful/important URLs here.
+   Keep it short and sweet: 3 lines and 2 columns is already enough 
+ BEGIN GNUmenu -->
+<h3>More information</h3>
+<ul class="translations-list">
+  <li><a href="/provide.html">What we provide</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/philosophy/philosophy.html">Why we exist</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/gnu/gnu-history.html">Where we are going</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/help/help.html">How you can help us get there</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/people/people.html">Who we are</a></li>
+  <li><a href="/testimonials/testimonials.html">What users think of 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> software</a></li>
+<!-- END content -->
+<hr />
+<!-- BEGIN Articles -->
+<div class="rowOfBoxes">
+<div class="half noBorderOnLeft">
+   GNUs Flash is a pun on News Flash. 
+   Please don't make it GNU's Flash. 
+<h3 id="Flashes">GNUs Flashes</h3>
+   Please make sure an announcement is sent to address@hidden
+   Include announcements in /server/whatsnew.html 
+   Please do not use anchor ids in this. They will be deleted and 
+   hrefs pointing at them will fail. Instead use /home.html#Flashes
+   rms SEZ:
+<!--#include file="gnusflashes.include" -->
+<p>For other news, as well as for items that used to be in this GNUs Flashes 
+section, see <a href="/server/whatsnew.html">What's New</a> in and about the 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> Project.
+<!-- END GNUFlashes 
+ BEGIN TakeAction -->
+<div class="half">
+<h3 id="Action">Take Action</h3>
+  <li><strong>License drafting:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#licenses">Participate</a> in the drafting of 
+the AGPL, GFDL, and GSFDL.</li>
+  <li><strong>British citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="";>Sign this 
+petition</a> to require all British publicly funded software be free 
+software. The petition closes 22 July 2007.</li>
+  <li><strong>Worldwide:</strong> <a href="/server/takeaction.html#doom">Sign 
+Doom community's petition</a> to free the source code to the games Heretic 
+and Hexen.</li>
+  <li><strong>Priority projects:</strong> <a 
+href="";>Contribute</a> to these 
+projects we are currently emphasizing: <a 
+href="";>Free software 3D video drivers</a>, 
+develop a free compatible client for Google Earth, <a 
+href="";>Free BIOS</a>, <a 
+href="";> and free Internet protocols</a>, <a 
+href="";>reversible debugging 
+for GDB</a>, and <a href="";>Gnash</a> 
+(<acronym>GNU</acronym> Flash Player).</li>
+  <li><strong>Long-term contribution:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#gnustep">Please contribute</a> as a user and 
+developer to <a href="";>GNUstep</a>, a free 
+object-oriented framework for application development.</li>
+  <li><strong>US citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#music-sharing"> Sign EFF's petition</a> in 
+favor of music sharing.</li>
+  <li><strong>US citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#broadcast">Support Public Knowledge against 
+the "broadcast flag"</a></li>
+  <li><strong>World wide:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#wipochange">Call on WIPO to change its name 
+and mission</a>.</li>
+  <li><strong>World wide:</strong> <a 
+awareness of dangers of WIPO Broadcast Treaty</a>.
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>In Europe:</strong> <a 
+against software patents</a>.</li>
+  <li><strong>US citizens:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#antidmca">Sign petitions against software 
+patents and the DMCA</a>.</li>
+  <li><strong>Long-term contribution:</strong> <a 
+href="/server/takeaction.html#unmaint">Take over an unmaintained 
+<acronym>GNU</acronym> package:</a> <a href="/software/a2ps/">a2ps</a>, <a 
+  <li><a href="/server/takeaction.html#directory">Add to the Free Software 
+<p><a href="/server/takeaction.html#other">Other Action Items</a>
+<!-- END TakeAction -->
+<!-- END Articles -->
+<div style="font-size: small;">GNU-i18n-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S NOTES</div>
+<!-- BEGIN copyleft -->
+<!--#include virtual="/server/footer.zh-cn.html" -->
+<div id="footer">
+  this anchor is referred to from the default
+  gendocs_template (available as part of Texinfo) used for
+  generating GNU manuals online, so please don't remove it.  
+<p><a name="ContactInfo"></a> Please inquire about <acronym>GNU</acronym> by 
+Email: <a href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a>, Voice: 
+or Fax: +1-617-542-2652.
+<p>Please send broken links and other web page suggestions to <a 
+href="/people/webmeisters.html">The <acronym>GNU</acronym> Webmasters</a> at 
+<a href="mailto:address@hidden";>address@hidden</a>, thank you.</p>
+  Copyright &copy; 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 
+2006, 2007 <a href="";>Free Software Foundation</a>, Inc., 
+51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA<br /> Verbatim 
+copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted worldwide, 
+without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice, and the copyright 
+notice, are preserved.
+<div class="translators-credits">GNU-i18n-SLOT: TRANSLATOR'S CREDITS</div>
+ <p><!-- timestamp start -->
+   $Date: 2007/06/29 00:05:33 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->
+<!-- END copyleft 
+ BEGIN TranslationList -->
+<div id="translations">
+<h4><a href="/server/standards/README.translations.html">Translations</a> of 
+this page</h4>
+<!-- END TranslationList -->
+<!--#include file="translations.include" -->
+<!-- END layout -->


--- (empty file)
+++ Sat Dec  8 16:13:35 2007
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project homepage"><img alt="" src="/graphics/gnu-head-banner.png" /></a></div>
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Vista"><img alt="" src="/graphics/badvista-trash.png" /></a></div>
+        <ul id="links">
+          <li><a href="";>What is 
Free Software?</a></li>
+          <li><a href=""; title="Become an associate 
member today!">Join the Free Software Foundation</a></li>
+          <li><a href=""; title="Register to 
receive regular postal and electronic updates">Get FSF alerts</a></li>
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+      <h5 class="netscape4" id="amspita">Site Navigation</h5>
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+          <li id="tabLicenses"><a href="/licenses/">Licenses</a></li>
+          <li id="tabDocumentation"><a href="/doc/">Documentation</a></li>
+          <li id="tabHelpGNU"><a href="/help/">Help GNU</a></li>
+          <li id="tabContactUs"><a href="/contact/">Contact Us</a></li>
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+++    Sat Dec  8 16:13:35 2007
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+          <li><a href="";>FSF</a></li>
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+          <li><a href="";>FSF India</a></li>
+          <li><a href="";>FSF Latin America</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#translations" style="color: yellow 
!important;">Translations of this page</a></li>
+      </ul>
+<div id="gplv3-dogear">
+  <a href="/licenses/gpl-3.0.html" title="Celebrate the new GNU GPL!"><img 
alt="GPLv3" src=""; /></a>
+    <!-- END FSFlinks -->
+<hr />
\ No newline at end of file

--- (empty file)
+++    Sat Dec  8 16:13:35 2007
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+    <!-- BEGIN FSFlinks -->
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+          <li><a href="";>FSF</a></li>
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+          <li><a href="";>FSF India</a></li>
+          <li><a href="";>FSF Latin America</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#translations" style="color: yellow 
!important;">Translations of this page</a></li>
+      </ul>
+<div id="gplv3-dogear">
+  <a href="/licenses/gpl-3.0.html" title="Celebrate the new GNU GPL!"><img 
alt="GPLv3" src=""; /></a>
+    <!-- END FSFlinks -->
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