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Re: GNU Prolog - other platfoems - where download?

From: Paulo Moura
Subject: Re: GNU Prolog - other platfoems - where download?
Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 14:11:42 +0100

On Domingo, Maio 6, 2001, at 10:26 , Ron Stodden wrote:

Your web pages ( states GNU
Prolog to be available on the following supported platforms:

ix86 / GNU/Linux
ix86 / Win32 using Cygwin
ix86 / Win32 using MSVC++
ix86 / SCO
ix86 / Solaris
ix86 / FreeBSD
ix86 / OpenBSD
ix86 / NetBSD
PowerPC / GNU/Linux
sparc / SunOS
sparc / Solaris

Yet offers no download option for anything but the first!

Where is the download site for the other above supported platforms?

Just download the sources and compile them.


Paulo Jorge Lopes de Moura
Dep. of Informatics                   Office 4.3  Ext. 3257
University of Beira Interior          Phone: +351 275319700
6201-001 Covilhã                      Fax:   +351 275319732


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