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Re: Unexpected result with FD solver

From: Jean Michel LECONTE
Subject: Re: Unexpected result with FD solver
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:07:57 +0100

try :
        LD1 = [X1,X2,X3,X4],
        LD2 = [D1,D2],
        Va #=<5,
        Va #>=0,
        X1 #=0,
        X2 #=< X1+4,
        X2 #>= X1+2,
        X3 #= X1+D1,
        X4 #= X2+D2,
        D1 #=< D2+Va,
        D1 #>= D2-Va,
        X4 #=< X3,
fd_labeling(Va). read the note in the doc about fd_labeling, you have to do this operation if you want some answers cause when gprolog says

        LD1 = [0,_#25(2..4),_#47(3..12),_#69(3..12)]
        LD2 = [_#91(3..12),_#113(1..10)]
        Va = _#134(0..5)

it just means that Va could be between 0 and 5 but thts not meaning that there's a solution... gprolog tries to reduce the domain of possible values for each FD (i.e. constrained) variable but if you want a solution you have to 'label' each FD variable and the _#integer(a..b) means FD variable which has integer for internal system number (as an internal ID) is between a and b

Jean Michel LECONTE

Xiao-Hua Kong writes:
I'm a beginer in Prolog, I want to use GNU Prolog for constraint sovling
in FD. I have tried the solver with a set of in-equations. But for some of
them, I did not get the result expected. Here is an example: I wrote a rule:
LD1 = [X1,X2,X3,X4],
LD2 = [D1,D2],
Va #=<5,
Va #>=0,
X1 #= 0,
X2 #=< X1+4,
X2 #>= X1+2,
X3 #= X1+D1,
X4 #= X2+D2,
D1 #=< D2+Va,
D1 #>= D2-Va,
X4 #=< X3.
And asked for the possible assignment for these in-equations
However I got the follwing result: | ?- ieq(LD1,LD2,Va).
        LD1 = [0,_#25(2..4),_#47(3..12),_#69(3..12)]
        LD2 = [_#91(3..12),_#113(1..10)]
Va = _#134(0..5)
In which the resulting domain of Va is larger than it should be. For
example, ask | ?- ieq(LD1,LD2,0). or | ?- ieq(LD1,LD2,1). will have an answer "no".
Is there any problem with the code? Or I should not use more than three
variables in a constraint? How can I solve this problem. BTW, what does _#integer mean in the result?
Thanks in advance.
Xiaohua Kong
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