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CLIP (was Re: An example of finite domain?)

From: Timothy Hickey
Subject: CLIP (was Re: An example of finite domain?)
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 07:28:49 -0500

On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 04:56 AM, PRADOS Julien wrote:

it doesn't look like a Finite Domain (FD) problem !!!

so try clip (aviable only under linux):
We are working on a version of clip that runs under Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux. With luck we'll post it next week, I'll send an announcement to this list...

0) install gprolog under Linux
1) install clip
2) consult the following predicat

domino(A1,A2,Q) :-
       {X1 = 20 * sin(A1), Y1 = 10 * cos(A1),
        X2 = 20 * sin(A2), Y2 = 10 * cos(A2),
        X3 = 0, Y3 = 0,
        VX1 = X2 - X3, VY1 = Y2 - Y3,
        VX2 = X1 - X2, VY2 = Y1 - Y2,
        Q = VX1*VX2 + VY1*VY2

by typing:

| ?- consult(domino).

and enter the following query

| ?- reset_clip, %reset the solver {A1 >= 0,A1 =< (pi/2), A2 >= 0, A2 =< (pi/2),Q >= 0}, %add constraint on A1,A2,Q domino(A1,A2,Q), %add the domino constraints solve_clip([A1,A2,Q],0.01), %solve the system with a precision of 0.01 print_clip([A1,A2,Q]). %display the variables

for this query I have obtain the following result


it means that if there is solutions... there are in those intervals...
so certainly ther is no solution for those constraints.


PS: I have modified VY2 = Y2-Y3 to VY1 = Y2 - Y3.... because I think it is a mistake...

address@hidden wrote:

I am new to GNU-Prolog and I have a problem that I wish to solve
(I am trying to write a domino game and am trying to figure out how to lay out the dominoes without them crossing). Below is an except from that process.

Given two angles A1 and A2, X1 = 20*sin(A1), Y1 = 10*cos(A1), X2 = 20*sin(A2),
Y2 = 10*cos(A2).  Also X3 = 0, Y3 = 0.
Let VX1 = X2-X3, VY2 = Y2-Y3, VX2 = X1-X2, VY2=Y1-Y2.
Compute a function Q = VX1*VX2+VY1*VY2.

Make the domain of A1 and A2 equal to 0 ... 90. Constrain the expression Q > 0 to equal true. Minimize the sum of angles A1 and A2.

I have tried solving the problem myself, but I am getting errors. Can anyone help me please :-)?


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domino(A1,A2,Q) :-
        {X1 = 20 * sin(A1), Y1 = 10 * cos(A1),
         X2 = 20 * sin(A2), Y2 = 10 * cos(A2),
         X3 = 0, Y3 = 0,
         VX1 = X2 - X3, VY1 = Y2 - Y3,
         VX2 = X1 - X2, VY2 = Y1 - Y2,
         Q = VX1*VX2 + VY1*VY2
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