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Line based buffers malfunctioning in Win32?

From: Peter van Eerten
Subject: Line based buffers malfunctioning in Win32?
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 02:16:34 -0800

Hi all,
This is probably a very stupid problem, but I'll ask anyway, sincerely hoping nobody gets offensed. For my GTK-server I am experimenting with communication to an external process using TCP. By default, a TCP socket in GNU Prolog is buffered in block mode, and after a block of data, an explicit "flush_output/1" is needed to send the contents of the buffer to the socket.
When I change the buffermode (with "set_stream_buffering/2") to line, it seems that GNU Prolog is not able to actually send away the data after a newline. For example:
socket('AF_INET', Socket),
socket_connect(Socket, 'AF_INET'(localhost, 50000), In, Out),
set_stream_buffering(Out, line),
write(Out, 'Hello there'), nl(Out),
read_token(In, _),
.....<more code>.....
The "Hello there" is never received by the other side. This works neither:
socket('AF_INET', Socket),
socket_connect(Socket, 'AF_INET'(localhost, 50000), In, Out),
set_stream_buffering(Out, line),
write(Out, 'Hello there\n'),
read_token(In, _),
.....<more code>.....
The strange thing is, when I put the incoming stream to line mode, and keep using "read_token/2", it works perfectly OK. I also have tried other versions of "write", like "writeq", "write_term", etc., but that did not help me out.
Probably I am doing something wrong? Or is this some kind of buggy behaviour (let's hope not)? I saw this problem when using GNU Prolog 1.2.16 with Windows2000 SP 1.
Thank you,

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