* Pauline Kra <address@hidden>:
You need to escape the \ -> \\
get_tagsentence(['%','%'|Rest],Sent,Remainder) :-
get_tagsentence(Rest,_,Rem), % line 78
get_tagsentence([X,.,Y,Z|Rest],[X,.],[Y,Z|Rest]) :- % break up "140. 3+"
This seems to be line 78 (and not the one marked as such)
number(X), number(Y), Z = '+', !. % Y belongs to '+' for new sentence
get_tagsentence([X,.,Y,Z|Rest],[N|SRest],LRest) :- % line 82
If you want the character 'dot' you need to enclose it in single quotes
-> '.'
Sylvain Soliman <address@hidden> Tel: (+33) 1 39635761
INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt - Equipe CONTRAINTES Fax: (+33) 1 39635469
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