In order to cellebrate the resurgence of Datalog in academia and
industry (Datalog 2.0 workhop, just running now), I would like
to contribute with a modest new release of DES fixing some problems.
So, the new release
Datalog Educational System version 1.8.1
has been launched on March, 17th, 2010, and ported to
The current release is only a bug-fix for binaries, which lacked some
libraries avoiding to generate test cases. Also, whereas these binary
distributions enjoy all the features, consult Section 10 of the user
manual to read the limitations w.r.t. the source distributions.
Release notes are attached to the end of this message.
Please, see http://des.sourceforge.net for details.
Best regards.
Fernando Sáenz Pérez
Profesor Titular de Universidad / Associate Professor
Home Page: http://www.fdi.ucm.es/profesor/fernan
Tel: + 34 913947642. Fax: + 34 913947547
Despacho / Office: 435 (4ª planta / 4th floor)
Dept. Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial /
Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Informática
C/Profesor José García Santesmases, s/n
E - 28040 Madrid. Spain
* Fixed bugs:
o The Windows and Linux executable distributions lacked some
libraries regarding test case generation, which have been added in the
current distributions
* Caveats and limitations:
o See Section 10 of the user manual
* Known bugs:
o The projection list of a natural outer join is not correct in all cases
o Disjunctions in having conditions in the group_by clause may display to errors which are not