I'm writing a script (.sh) which should launch gprolog, load a file (wumpusMind.pl) and the initial query (init) in the same file which is in the form:
init :-
retractall(counter(_)), ...
but there's something wrong (it seems in the consulting of name.pl): gprolog --consult-file wumpusMind.pl --entry-goal 'init, nl'
(error message:)
address@hidden:~/Desktop$ sh lauch.sh GNU Prolog 1.3.0 By Daniel Diaz Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Daniel Diaz warning: command-line goal 'init, nl' caused exception: error(existence_error(procedure,init/0),'command-line')
| ?-
Manually I do the follow: gprolog | ?- [name] | ?- init. ... processing