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Re: what's the corresponding predcate as atomic_list_concat in swi

From: Daniel Diaz
Subject: Re: what's the corresponding predcate as atomic_list_concat in swi
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 14:40:17 +0200
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Le 28/06/2013 00:15, z_axis a écrit :
Can it convert '1 2 3 4 5 6 7' to [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] ?
IIRC,in swi, atomic_list_concat('1 2 3 4 5 6 7', ' ', X). => X = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

Best Regards!
在 Thu, 27 Jun 2013 02:22:15 +0800,Daniel Diaz <address@hidden> 写道:

You need to program it. Here is a simple program that split an atom (elements are separated by spaces). Each atom of an element is converted to the final type with conv_elem/2. Here it is defined to convert atoms to numbers. If you want atoms for elements simply define conv_elem(A, A).

atom_to_list('', []) :-

atom_to_list(A, L) :-
    sub_atom(A, Bef, _, Aft, ' '), !,
    (   Bef > 0 ->
        L = [X|L1],
        sub_atom(A, 0, Bef, _, A0),
        conv_elem(A0, X)
        L = L1
    Bef1 is Bef + 1,
    sub_atom(A, Bef1, Aft, 0, A1),
    atom_to_list(A1, L1).

atom_to_list(A, [X]) :-
    conv_elem(A, X).

conv_elem(A, X) :-
    number_atom(X, A).


| ?- atom_to_list('1 2 3 4 5 6 7',L).

L = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]



the easiest way to convert numbers to atoms and then use atom_concat/3. This should work:

atomic_concat(X1, X2, A3) :-
    to_atom(X1, A1),
    to_atom(X2, A2),
    atom_concat(A1, A2, A3).

to_atom(A, A) :-
    atom(A), !.

to_atom(X, A) :-
    number_atom(X, A).


Le 26 juin 2013 à 08:39, Sean Charles <address@hidden> a écrit :

Hi z_axis,

I looked long and hard and I couldn't find anything suitably matched in the atom and character code sections … sorry.

I think somebody that *knows* the language has an opportunity to hand-roll something at this point… I will also try to do this as an exercise, it will be good to try.

My initial thought would be to use a stream writing to an atom, then write each atom in the original list plus the intervening comma for all but the last atom.

   open_output_atom_stream ...
   write_term_to_atom  … each list member plus a comma
   close_output_atom_stream ...

Simples. Except I just have to do it. And if it could be used "backwards" to split the atom then so much the better, like SWI.

I am sure somebody else will do it first but I like the look of this so I shall try as well.


On 26 Jun 2013, at 03:15, z_axis <address@hidden> wrote:

It seems there is just atomic_concat in gprolog ?
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