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Re: using grips withing gprolog

From: Paulo Moura
Subject: Re: using grips withing gprolog
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 23:37:51 +0000

On 01/02/2014, at 12:27, Algaba <address@hidden> wrote:

> has anyone managed to get Grips (      
> ) working ?

Out of curiosity, I took a look to the Grips source code and used Logtalk 
ability to compile Prolog module code to learn about possible portability 
issues. The code uses some SWI-Prolog features, which makes porting difficult. 
It uses a back quote as an operator, which is problematic. As an example, the 
code only compiles with SWI-Prolog V7 using the --traditional command-line 
flag. It declares operators in the pseudo-module "user" that SWI-Prolog makes 
available through a kind of inheritance mechanism to the module that contains 
the op/3 directives. A bigger issue is the use of module_transparent/1 
directives, which cannot be simply replaced by more meta_predicate/1 
directives. Thus, porting is not trivial.



Paulo Moura
Logtalk developer

Email: <mailto:address@hidden>
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