I just knocked these out to read a file into memory for DCG practice over files. I know they might not be the best they can which is why I am asking for how to make it more efficient...
file_codes(From, Out) :-
open(From, read, S),
file_read_buf(S, [], get_code, -1, Out),
file_chars(From, Out) :-
open(From, read, S),
file_read_buf(S, [], get_char, end_of_file, Out),
file_read_buf(S, Acc, Fetcher, Eof, Out) :-
Reader =.. [Fetcher, S, Chr],
( Chr == Eof -> reverse(Acc, Out) ; file_read_buf(S, [Chr|Acc], Fetcher, Eof, Out)).
I wanted to avoid using =.. every time I read another bit of the file; it just feels like it should be outside the loop, I tried this but it didn't do what I expected:
file_read_buf(S, [], get_code(S, _Chr), -1, Out)
So, how can I make this more efficient and prolog-gy?