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Core memory leak somewhere, even loading empty source file.

From: emacstheviking
Subject: Core memory leak somewhere, even loading empty source file.
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 10:43:21 +0000

A long time ago I wrote an SDL2 binding but stopped using it because of memory leaks causing the UI to crash and burn after about 20 minutes of continuous use. A real shame, I loved writing the UI in prolog!

Today I have come back to it... cutting to the chase, I first thought that I would rule out gprolog... I created an empty file called '' that is literally, empty, zero bytes.

-rw-r--r--  1 seancharles  staff        0 11 Mar 10:33

Then I started a new gprolog session, NOT the one produced by my build process with the SDL2 bindings, then, using "leaks" on El Capitan...

Process 2280: 2200 nodes malloced for 1029 KB
Failed to map remote region: [0x7fffffe6d000-0x7fffffe6e000] r-x shared memory (1 page) [root] (error: 1)
Process 2280: 0 leaks for 0 total leaked bytes.

So far so good, now I read in my empty Prolog source file,

| ?- [empty].
compiling /Users/seancharles/Downloads/gnuprolog-libsdl2/ for byte code...
/Users/seancharles/Downloads/gnuprolog-libsdl2/ compiled, 0 lines read - 97 bytes written, 115 ms

Then re-run leaks:

leaks Report Version:  2.0
Process 2280: 2213 nodes malloced for 1029 KB
Failed to map remote region: [0x7fffffe6d000-0x7fffffe6e000] r-x shared memory (1 page) [root] (error: 1)
Process 2280: 1 leak for 64 total leaked bytes.
Leak: 0x7f9b21c033a0  size=64  zone: DefaultMallocZone_0x10c9cb000  length: 59  "/var/folders/5p/c_cpyzqd0v15vd5rnvnr7xlm0000gn/T/gplcmXtOKb"

I then re-imported the same file a few more times, and each time the number of leaks went up by one:

leaks Report Version:  2.0
Process 2280: 2220 nodes malloced for 1030 KB
Failed to map remote region: [0x7fffffe6d000-0x7fffffe6e000] r-x shared memory (1 page) [root] (error: 1)
Process 2280: 4 leaks for 256 total leaked bytes.
Leak: 0x7f9b21c033a0  size=64  zone: DefaultMallocZone_0x10c9cb000  length: 59  "/var/folders/5p/c_cpyzqd0v15vd5rnvnr7xlm0000gn/T/gplcmXtOKb"
Leak: 0x7f9b21c03420  size=64  zone: DefaultMallocZone_0x10c9cb000  length: 59  "/var/folders/5p/c_cpyzqd0v15vd5rnvnr7xlm0000gn/T/gplcUONsld"
Leak: 0x7f9b21c03510  size=64  zone: DefaultMallocZone_0x10c9cb000  length: 59  "/var/folders/5p/c_cpyzqd0v15vd5rnvnr7xlm0000gn/T/gplc2xrLwg"
Leak: 0x7f9b21e14cd0  size=64  zone: DefaultMallocZone_0x10c9cb000  length: 59  "/var/folders/5p/c_cpyzqd0v15vd5rnvnr7xlm0000gn/T/gplctG76Ve"

I don't yet know where this is happening or how I can track it down.. valgrind won't install on my version of OSX but it would be nice to pin it down and fix it up!

I am going to download and build this under Ubuntu, see if it does the same, and if so, try to find the leak using DDD and valgrind if I can... unless somebody beats me too it which I would love to be the case because then I can focus on my own code which leaks somewhere I am sure in the  shady twilight world between C and Prolog.


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