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Newbie question regarding clause

From: Curtis Hoffmann
Subject: Newbie question regarding clause
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2017 05:14:25 +0000 (UTC)

I have the Clocksin and Mellish Programming in Prolog book, and I'm trying to 
get past all the errors.
One of the programming examples is for a replacement of listing (p. 182).

list1(X) :-
   clause(X, Y),
   output_clause(X, Y), write('.'), nl, fail.

output_clause(X, true) :- !, write(X).
output_clause(X, Y) :- write((X :- Y)).

If I type the question ?- list1(list1).
I get no response back. Am I doing something wrong, or is there something about 
clause that I don't understand?
I tried checking the archives and didn't see this question asked before.

Thank you in advance.

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