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Re: [vile] vile-9.6e.patch.gz

From: Paul Fox
Subject: Re: [vile] vile-9.6e.patch.gz
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 19:27:49 -0500

 >      + fix an incorrect reference in chgd_fences() which was exposed by
 >        changing fence-pairs more than once in .vilerc, dating from 5.3l
 >        (report by Steven Lembark).

can you expand on this?  what does "changing fence-pairs more
than once" mean?

there's been a long-standing bug that i think i've mentioned
before (possibly years ago) that causes fence-match operations to
very occasionally be off by one character.  could this be what
you're referring to?  i've never been able to reproduce it.

 paul fox, address@hidden (arlington, ma, where it's 24.1 degrees)

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