On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 03:18:02PM +0100, Chris G wrote:
I can't get it to hang, but I did find a possibly-related bug: if I
enter non-ASCII codes (in uxterm, locale en_US.UTF-8), inserting into
the quoted area, the insertion point jumps to the end of the line
about the point where the (folded) line is pushed to the right-margin.
Here's a "before":
< <li><a href="ìììììììììììììììììììì">Pictures</a></li>
...and the "after":
< <li><a
< href="íííííííííííííííííííí">Pictures</a></li>í
( So there's something I can investigate ;-)
I have just tried it on my work system, fedora 7, and it happens just
the same there too. I also tried in an xterm, still the same.
Further I have just downloaded and built vile 9.5 and that doesn't
have the bug. I'll try an unpatched 9.6.