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Re: [vile] vile-9.7r.patch.gz

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: [vile] vile-9.7r.patch.gz
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 11:10:19 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 26 May 2009, Steven Lembark wrote:

On Mon, 25 May 2009 20:51:46 -0400
Thomas Dickey <address@hidden> wrote:

Editing anything I get:

   source /opt/vile/local/filters.rc

is it (or the containing directory) group-writable?

You can make this check go away by setting

   set c-suffixes "\\.([ch]|xs)"

   define-majormode perl
   remove-submode perl cindent
   ~with define-submode perl
   preamble    '^#!.*perl'
   suffixes    '\.\(pm\|t\)$'

   set ai
   set ab
   === .vilerc ============================================================= 
top ==[Reading /root/.vilerc]
   [Read 42 lines from "./.vilerc"]
   [Skipping '/opt/vile/local/filters.rc' (insecure permissions)]
   [Skipping '/opt/vile/local/filters.rc' (insecure permissions)]
   [Skipping '/opt/vile/local/filters.rc' (insecure permissions)]
   [No such file "/opt/vile/local/filters.rc"]
   [Messages] [view-only]                           vile   version 9.7r  all

   $ ls -al /opt/vile/local;
   total 8
   drwxr-sr-x 2 lembark root   23 Mar 25 09:48 .
   drwxr-sr-x 9 lembark root  116 May 26 10:12 ..
   -rw-r--r-- 1 lembark root 5098 Mar  5 09:47 filters.rc

The directory mods are 02755 for /opt/vile, /opt/vile/local.

This happens to be as myself and su (root).

What the hell is causing this? I've had a shared
/opt/vile/local/filters.rc for some time now without
problems. One of the updates from n-q introduced some
sort of bug: the file is there, it is readable.

Steven Lembark                                            85-09 90th St.
Workhorse Computing                                 Woodhaven, NY, 11421
address@hidden                                      +1 888 359 3508

Thomas E. Dickey

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